
Teimuraz Oboladze

Partenaire équipe Georgie de la Charte.

Thèmes liés à cet auteur : Responsabilité communautaire . Gestion des conflits . Culture de paix .

27 août 2008
Quelle responsabilité commune pour les Georgiens et les Arméniens ?

What Responsibility Do Georgians and Armenians Have in Common ? - 4 octobre 2010

Responsibility means defeating indifference and daring to express oneself, said Bela Tonakian, an Armenian journalist at a meeting in Akhaltsike, a city in southern Georgia. Organized by the Georgian team on June 19 and 20, the objective was to have Georgians and Armenians debate on their common responsibility in a region inhabited mostly by Armenians and characterized by recurrent tensions. (...)

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