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A 12-year old child’s take on the responsibility of adults , 12 de março de 2010

A then 12-year-old Canadian girl, Severn Cullis-Suzuki, addressed a UN conference in Brazil and made a strong statement in 1992, 18 years ago. She does not pronounce the word "responsibility," but that is exactly what she is referring to: the responsibility of those who have the power to decide. Some politicians today seem to be just barely discovering environmental threats and their own (...)

Book: Essay on Oeconomy , 8 de janeiro de 2010

Essay on Oeconomy, by Pierre Calame “How can we change the unviable model of development into a lasting society?” This is the fundamental question that raises Pierre Calame in his latest essay, which he claims to be an “intellectual progression and exploration”. There is thus no pretention of giving answers, but a will to debate on a few proposals and principles he believes to be essential to (...)

Forum for a new World Governance , 10 de junho de 2008

Each passing day increases the feeling dramatically that a system of world governance is vitally needed, which respects all human beings, all that is living, and the planet as a whole. To act, we have to think, we have to make viable, applicable proposals, now. More than ever, we need to facilitate the convergence of all the thinking and the emergence of the proposals drawn from all cultures. (...)

Law, Governance and Sustainable Development. Preliminary reflections por Christoph EBERHARD, 13 de abril de 2006

This text was written within the research dynamics on « law, governance and sustainable development», that was initiated in January 2004 and is coordinated from the Facultés Universitaires of Saint Louis in Brussels, Belgium. It aims at questioning on the issue of Law, governance and sustainable development, in a context of globalization through intercultural enlightenment. Perspectives from (...)

www Aliança por um mundo Plural, Responsável e solidário

Point de vue sur…
Le droit à l'autogestion culturelle
por Jorge Eduardo Padula Perkins, 26 de outubro de 2010

Nous assistons actuellement à une réévaluation sociale, politique, juridique et économique de la culture, qui joue ainsi un rôle de plus en plus important autant du point de vue empirique que de celui des constructions théoriques. La Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme déclare dans (...)

A Take on …
The Right to Cultural Self-management
por Jorge Eduardo Padula Perkins, 25 de outubro de 2010

We are currently experiencing a social, political, legal, and economic revaluation of culture, which is thereby playing an increasingly leading role, as much from the empirical point of view as from that of theoretical constructions. Article 27 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (...)

Un punto de vista sobre...
El derecho a la autogestión cultural
por Jorge Eduardo Padula Perkins, 25 de outubro de 2010

Asistimos en nuestros días a una revalorización, social, política, jurídica y económica de la cultura, que la torna protagonista tanto desde lo empírico como desde las construcciones teóricas. La Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos de 1948 reza en su artículo 27 que “Toda persona tiene derecho a (...)

Un punto de vista sobre...
Un mundo algo más razonable
por Pierre-Marie Guillon, 15 de outubro de 2010

A los hombres les gusta la paz. Sabiendo esto, los movimientos pacifistas deberían atraer a muchedumbres de personas. Pero no es así, ni de lejos: una marcha pacifista suele reunir diez mil veces menos personas que una manifestación por las condiciones de jubilación o contra el aumento del costo de (...)

A Take on ...
A Somewhat More Reasonable World
por Pierre-Marie Guillon, 5 de outubro de 2010

Men like peace. Pacifist movements should therefore attract crowds of people. Yet this is not the case, and by far: a pacifist march will gather ten thousand times fewer people than a demonstration for retirement benefits or against the rising cost of living … Why so? The answer lies partially (...)

www ALOE - Polo de Socio-Economia solidária

Sommet Mondial de la Finance Solidaire : Pour plus de justice économique , 3 de abril de 2013

L'Association Internationale des Investisseurs dans l'Economie Sociale, INAISE et le Forum de Finance Rural d'Amérique Latine et des Caraïbes, FOROLACFR, organisent le Sommet Mondial de la Finance Solidaire nommée « Pour plus de justice économique » qui se tiendra les mercredi 29 et jeudi 30 Mai à (...)

Vous en avez assez de la crise ? Venez à Goodland , 21 de março de 2013

A Goodland, le président se serre la ceinture, les banquiers sont responsabilisés et les écosystèmes préservés. Ce pays existe, fractionné en plusieurs initiatives à travers le monde. Reste à les réunir avance le Britannique Andrew Simms. Andrew Simms, expert à la New Economics Foundation (think tank (...)

Colloque CIRIEC Canada : Peut-on naviguer sans gouvernail ? La gouvernance et les indicateurs d'évaluation dans les entreprises publiques et d'économie sociale , 15 de março de 2013

Le colloque 2013 du CIRIEC-Canada (colloque 458) se tiendra dans le cadre du 81 e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir. La mise en œuvre des décisions relève d'un paradoxe. Décider seul en mode hiérarchique permet d'agir rapidement mais le suivi est plus incertain. Dans le mode (...)

RIPESS - 5ème Forum Mondial de l'Économie Sociale Solidaire , 7 de março de 2013

Les langues officielles du Forum mondial de RIPESS 2013 seront l'Anglais, le Français et l'Espagnol. 2. Détails Jour 1 * Cérémonie d'ouverture Un moment formel de la rencontre, qui peut être ouvert au public extérieur, avec des porte-paroles du Conseil d'Administration du RIPESS (un par continent), (...)

Le site, un an déjà. , 1º de março de 2013

Début décembre 2011, la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer (FPH) lance le site Il se base sur les nombreuses années d'expérience accumulées par les réseaux internationaux représentatifs de l'économie solidaire (notamment avec ALOE) . Le site est un site de ressources (...)

www Traversées

Biocivilisation pour la durabilité de la vie et de la planète por William, 18 de outubro de 2011

Le titre est évocateur et les débats ne le sont pas moins - même s´ils sont en espagnol, portugais, chinois et anglais parfois... Depuis le Corcovado, la samba et le carnaval (surtout depuis les salles de travail en fait), nous vous proposons un minifilm de compilation des principales idées qui ont (...)

On est ensemble ou pas ? por William, 3 de junho de 2011

Ricardo Jimenez, sociologue chilien, nous parle (en espagnol) de ces populations migrantes qui n'entendent plus être considérées et traitées comme LE problème mais bel et bien comme UNE solution a la crise civilisationnelle que rencontre notre humanité. - Galerie de (...)

Estamos juntos o no? por William, 3 de junho de 2011

Ricardo Jiménez, sociólogo Chileno, nos habla de estos migrantes que no quieren mas ser considerados y tratados como EL problema sino como UNA de las soluciones a la crisis civilisatoria que enfrenta nuestra humanidad. - Traversées en (...)

Ensemble dans la Grande Union por William, 3 de junho de 2011

Quel est le comble de la mondialisation plurielle ? Voir une vidéo sur le sage Confucius présentée en chinois classique, sous-titré en français et chanté en espagnol par des presque hard rockers argentins, le tout sur un style un peu manga japonais. Mondialisation plurielle vous avez dit ? - Banque (...)

Like a Rainbow Nation por William, 22 de janeiro de 2011

Monté avec "les moyens du bord" entre des artistes basés au Mozambique, un monteur français vivant en Argentine et un intermédiaire espagnol parcourant sans relâche la côte est du continent africain... a vos casques, Nelson Mandela vous parle de ses rêves de Nation arc en ciel. - Banque mondiale du (...)

www A l’Ecole du Possible

Amplifier la Transition : influencer le politique por Valabregue Antoine, 25 de outubro de 2014

Se réunir échanger, pour faire avancer les initiatives

Jules Ferry 3.0 por conseil national du numérique, 7 de outubro de 2014

Un rapport passionnant sur l'école 3.0

Gérer le gout du risque por Meichelbeck Elisabeth, 25 de setembro de 2014

La dévalorisation du risque représente certainement à terme la plus grande menace. En perdant le gout du risque, la Grece Antique et, plus recemment, la Chine du XVIe siecle se sont auto-anesthesiees, apres avoir domine de leur rayonnement et de leur puissance, l'histoire de l'evolution de (...)

Pourquoi la fiscalité verte n'avance pas ? por Hourcade Jean-charles, 17 de setembro de 2014

Une remarquable analyse d'un directeur des hautes études

LA DIABOLISATION D'ISRAEL ET DE L'AMERIQUE : POURQUOI ? por Rojzman Charles & Thérèse, 2 de agosto de 2014

Une position essentielle, à un moment ou le dialogue se rétrécit furieusement

www Charte Mondiale des Migrants - Carta Mundial de Migrantes - World Charter of Migrants - Carta mondo migranti

Gorée 2011 : Le retour vers l'Humanité por Jelloul Ben Hamida, 1º de junho de 2010

Du 30 janvier au 6 Février 2011, se tiendra Su l'ile de Gorée( Sénégal) une rencontre Mondiale des Migrants en vue d'amender et et adopter la Charte Mondiale des Migrant Contexte historique Le projet de charte mondiale des migrants est une démarche qui veut permettre aux migrants d'élaborer et (...)

Promotion du processus de la charte mondiale des migrants en Afrique. por Hicham Rachidi, 27 de outubro de 2009

La déclaration finale du colloque des sociétés civiles ouest Africaines sur les migrations et le développement, qui s'est tenu à DAKAR du 12 au 14 octobre à Dakar appel les organisations de la société civile euro-africaine à faire la promotion du Processus de la Charte Mondiale des Migrants et à (...)

Promotion for the drafting of the World Charter of Migrants in Africa por Hicham Rachidi, 27 de outubro de 2009

The final declaration from the Conference of West African Civil Societies on Migration and Development, which was held in Dakar on 12-14 October, launched an appeal to Euro-African civil society organizations to help promote the drafting of the World Charter of Migrants and to reinforce the (...)

Colloque International des sociétés civiles Euro-Africaines sur les migrations et le développement humain durable et solidaire por Charte Mondiale des Migrants, 14 de outubro de 2009

Au terme de trois journées de travail en commun, les participantes et participants au colloque international des sociétés civiles euro-africaines sur les migrations, le développement humain durable et solidaire . Se remémorant les événements de Ceuta et Melilla en 2005 et rendant hommage aux victimes (...)

MIGRATIONS. L'état des lieux 2009 de La Cimade por Charte Mondiale des Migrants, 6 de julho de 2009

La Cimade vient de publier son premier état des lieux global sur les politiques publiques et pratiques administratives concernant les migrants et réfugiés. Présente sur de nombreux terrains de l'aide aux migrants et de la défense des droits, La Cimade constate les difficultés vécues par celles et (...)

www Sarvodaya

Sarvodaya initiates relief assistance for landslide victims por admin, 30 de outubro de 2014

Sarvodaya staff and volunteers from the Badulla district center has initiated limited relief services for those who were affected by the deadly landslide which hit the Meeriyabedda tea plantation near the Haldumulla town in Badulla district early hours of (...)

Sarvodaya receives Outstanding Social Entrepreneurship Award in China por admin, 11 de setembro de 2014

On the 9th of September, Sarvodaya received the 2014 Social Entrepreneurship Award from the co-founder of Schwab Foundation/World Economic Forum Mrs.Hilde Schwab at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin, (...)

Second National Deshodaya Forum Assembly por editor, 17 de agosto de 2014

The Second National Deshodaya Forum Assembly was recently held in the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH) in Colombo with the participation of more than 1,600 Deshodaya members across the country.

Metta Round the World por editor, 5 de julho de 2014

Join us for the Global Metta Meditation to collectively generate the beautiful emotion called loving kindness. The session will be broadcasted live from Ruwanwalisaaya in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka commencing from 5:30p.m (Colombo , 5:30 + GMT). You can watch it live at (...)

Sarvodaya gains International Recognition for its entrepreneurship model, brings home the Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award por editor, 24 de março de 2014

The founder and General Secretary of Sarvodaya Sri Lanka, Dr A.T. Ariyaratne and Dr Vinya Ariyaratne have been recognised as the Social Entrepreneur for the Year 2014...

www Rede Internacional para o Desenvolvimento da Educação

Relationships with the Charter of Human Responsibilities and other Charters , 2 de abril de 2010

Our attempt to formulate a Charter of Environmental Education is based on other similar attempts. First of all it is closely connected with the course of the Alliance for a responsible, plural and united world, an informal network in which thousands of individuals and organisations participate, (...)

Charter of Environmental Education - First draft , 2 de abril de 2010

INTRODUCTION The basic objective of Environmental Education is to form responsible citizens We are confronting an environmental crisis affecting the whole planet, disrupting the pace of life and destroying the environment, as well as human communities. This global crisis cannot be compared with (...)

Who is the Charter of Environmental Education aimed at? , 2 de abril de 2010

Agreeing that Environmental Education concerns everyone, of all ages, this Charter is addressed to the following social groups: Educators of all grades and disciplines, trainers and animators, Those working for the mass media and are involved in communication about environmental issues, Those (...)

Necessity of a Charter of Environmental Education , 2 de abril de 2010

Our co-operation with people and organisations all over the world, through the Polis network, led us to the conclusion that a Charter of Environmental Education is necessary. Between 1994 and 2001 with the help of publications of the Polis network, in Greece and France, in three languages (...)

Research and training , 2 de abril de 2010

Polis participates in research and training Environmental Education projects sponsored by the European Union. In 1997, Polis co-ordinated the Greek chapter of the project Eurosymbioses - Internet and Environmental Education in Europe, which was funded by the Commission of European Communities, (...)

www Forum for a New World Governance

New York summit is last chance to get consensus on climate before 2015 talks por Paul Brown, 21 de setembro de 2014

UN is trying to convince countries to make new pledges before they meet in Paris to finalise a new deal on cutting emissions, reports Climate News Network - Rebuilding the Environmental Balance / Global action, Global mobilization, Energy governance, Energy, Capitalism, Climate changes, Peace (...)

Mobilize and organize to Stop and Prevent Planet Fever! , 20 de setembro de 2014

In the case of a planetary fever, the right prescription requires at least 10 actions to be undertaken and applied. - Rebuilding the Environmental Balance / Climate changes, Citizen movements, United Nations, Global mobilization, Low-carbon economy, Capitalism, Social movements, Transnational (...)

Fair Coop, the Earth cooperative for a fair economy por Fair Coop, 17 de setembro de 2014 is an open global cooperative which organizes itself through the Internet and stays off-limits from nation-state control. - Types of Goods and Producers / Financing the transition, Global finance, Cooperation, North-South relations, Horizontal relations, Financial governance, (...)

The Future of Democratic Sovereignty and Transnational Law por Seyla Benhabib, 8 de setembro de 2014

This essay examines the rise of legal cosmopolitanism in the period since the UDHR of 1948 as it gives rise to two very distinct sets of literature and preoccupations. The author argues that transnational human rights norms strengthen rather than weaken democratic sovereignty. - Legal (...)

Fourteen misconceptions about extraterritorial human rights obligations por Rolf Künnemann, 26 de julho de 2014

Human rights are the foundation of modern international law. in our days international and transnational economic and political decisions deeply affect the wellbeing of people far away from the respective decision makers. over the past 20 years some areas of international law have developed – (...)

www Aliança internacional de jornalistas

Pesquisa Panorama 2014 - Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul , 28 de outubro de 2014

ALIANÇA INTERNACIONAL DE JORNALISTAS Práticas Éticas de Comunicação Entrevista realizada com Eduardo Luiz Santinon, Editor-Responsável e Diretor da Publicação Nome do veiculo: Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul Tipo de mídia: Jornal Periodicidade: Diária Distribuição geográfica: cidades do estado de São Paulo: (...)

Pesquisa Panorama 2014 - Jornal O Globo , 27 de outubro de 2014

ALIANÇA INTERNACIONAL DE JORNALISTAS PANORAMA 2014 Práticas Éticas de Comunicação Entrevista realizada com Pedro Doria, editor-executivo Nome do Veiculo : Jornal O Globo Tipo de mídia : Jornal Periodicidade: Diária Distribuição Geográfica: Nacional Geografia: Nacional Website: (...)

Spaces for debate, mediation and régulation of journalism practices por Collectif, 18 de outubro de 2014

Press ethics are debated in many different areas, and not always those one would expect. This diversification underlines the new and widespread emphasis on moral issues, an unusual trend in journalism till now. The rights and responsibilities of the press have often been discussed, but never (...)

The Journalists' arbitration commission, a joint-consultation system por Denis Ruellan, 18 de outubro de 2014

Every individual case handled by the arbitration commission is both commonplace and unique... The commission is often referred to for the same reasons, mainly cession, economic layoffs and misconduct. But behind this apparent simplicity are an infinity of specific cases and different careers. (...)

New paths for investigative journalism por Aurore Gorius, 18 de outubro de 2014

Speed and haste have never been great allies for journalism. The increasing influence of the Internet and multiplication of broadcasting channels have made information flow a lot faster. News is broadcast as soon as possible and commentary delivered immediately. Newsrooms have to continuously (...)

www OTRADEV Foundation, Inc.

A video-documentary on the responsibilities exercised by the Mangyans of Mindoro por Dr. Ruben Z. Martinez, 29 de maio de 2009

Produced by the Organization for Training, Research and Development, an organization of social development professionals with advocacy on rural development, the video documentary features the Mangyans of Mindoro. It is titled, “Iraya Mangyans – Responses in the Challenges of the Times”. The Iraya (...)

OTRADEV Foundation Website por Dr. Ruben Z. Martinez, 29 de maio de 2009

Organization for Training, Research and Development Foundation, Inc is a non-government organization of development practitioners. OTRADEV Website For related blog, visit: Anthropologist's learning journey, Iraya Journal, Culinary Anthropology, Charter for Human Responsibilities, Solidarity (...)

Reflections on the Charter of Human Responsibilities por Dr. Ruben Z. Martinez, 29 de maio de 2009

OTRADEV Foundation produced the video documentary “Iraya: The Charter of Human Responsibility”. The video is part of the project that aims to contribute in the popularization of the concept of human responsibility through teacher’s seminars and workshops. Click here to view the video. For related (...)

OTRADEV in Maasin and Macrohon, Southern Leyte por Dr. Ruben Z. Martinez, 29 de maio de 2009

OTRADEV is an NGO with a community-based coastal resource management project in Maasin and Macrohon, Southern Leyte. One of the fisherfolk's organization that organized by OTRADEV is the Rosarrian Fisherfolks Organization (ROFFO). ROFFO is undertaking fish sanctuary management, a mudcrad (...)

OTRADEV Files in Mangyan Heritage Collection por Dr. Ruben Z. Martinez, 29 de maio de 2009

Archive files found in the catalogue of the Mangyan Heritage Collection For related blog, visit: Anthropologist's learning journey, Iraya Journal, Culinary Anthropology, Charter for Human Responsibilities, Solidarity Economy, and Western Visayas Magazine (...)

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