
Gustavo MARIN

Email : gustavo gKC alliance21.org

Mediating Member between the Charter International facilitation Committee, the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World and the FPH (Foundation Charles Leopold Mayer for the Progress of Humankind).
More details

Associated Topics to this author: Governance, Human Rights, and responsibility . The military and responsibility . Cross-cultural . Culture . Ethics . Culture of peace . Governance . Political responsibility . Enterprises . Human Rights . Media . Migrants . Religion and spirituality . University . Conflict management . Institutional reform . International organizations .

19 June 2008
Presentation of the Charter to Colombian officers, May 2008

30 October 2007
Rethinking Global Governance

On the Road to a Citizens Assembly - Chile, May 2007 - 15 October 2007

Video made by partners from the NGO ’Traversées’, during the preparatory Citizens Assembly of the South Cone, last April, in Antofagasta, Chile.

2nd World Forum on Human Rights - 24 July 2006

Share knowledge, creating networks, promoting good practices, linking the notion of human rights with the one of responsibilities

Michelle… - 12 April 2006

The election of Michelle Bachelet as President of Chile on 15 January 2006 constitutes a fact of historical significance that goes beyond political and institutional factors. Indeed, factors of an ethical and anthropological nature were fundamental to her election, demonstrating therefore that taking them into account is essential to better understanding the underlying logic of governance (...)

Meeting of military in Santiago de Chile, October 2005: the begining of an alliance process - 21 November 2005

The dialogue between military and the civil society is indispensable to build peace. The meeting of military organized by Corporacion AYUN and the Center of Strategic Studies of ARCIS university, Chile, the Ecole de la Paix de Grenoble (school of Peace of Grenoble), France, and the Foundation Charles Léopold Mayer for the Progress of Human being was an outstanding event in Chile and (...)

Re-enchanting the World - 23 June 2005

Latin American Meeting on Culture, Ethics and Responsibility Santiago, January 17 2005 Paper by Gustavo Marin•, at a Latin American Meeting On Culture, Ethics and Responsibility Santiago, January 17 2005 Fifty years ago, in 1955, Nelson Mandela and those who were in the liberation movement with him held the Congress of the People in Kliptown, a poor neighbourhood located in Cape City. (...)

Gustavo MARIN - 7 January 2005

Mediating Member among the Charter Committee, the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World and the FPH

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