

Email : descobar_2001 niF yahoo.com

Coordinator of the Regional Committee of the Charter for Colombia and Latin América.
More details here

Temas ligados à este autor: Governança, Direitos humanos, e responsabilidade . Women . Comunicação . Citizenship . Responsabilidade social . Community responsibility . Responsible action .

Methodological booklet for action and reflection on the Charter - 26 de julho de 2008

Presentation on a methodological booklet: Working experience with the Charter of Responsibilities in Colombia A path for the exercise of responsibilities – with this title, this publication presents in a straight forward and practical way the road map for those who want to understand or study, promote and build the social utility of exercising human responsibilities in diverse contexts and (...)

A forum-workshop to share experiences on the subject of responsibility - 20 de junho de 2008

It was decided to hold a Forum-workshop that would make it possible to hear various experiences on responsibility for building a dignified life for all. In this perspective, it was decided to invite the participation of civil servants, social and community organizations, students, teachers, NGOs, business persons, unions, etc. Forum objectives To discuss citizen responsibility in building (...)

Socialization Workshops - 20 de junho de 2008

Five socialization workshops were held for community leaders from the municipalities of Andalucía, Puerto Tejada, and the Alto Menga district of Commune 2 in Cali, as well as for a few artists of Cali and the Fundación Foro staff. The idea was to start from the recognition of Human Rights and to link the responsibility of all society to the enjoyment of these rights, starting with the (...)

Columbia 2007: A Series of Workshops and Working Papers - 18 de março de 2008

With the support of the Valle Sector Forum and Cinep (Center for Investigation and Popular Education), we organized several workshops in the Cauca Valley and Baranquilla (on youth development) which attracted several dozen people. Various other meetings were held to promote the Charter: in Bogotá (with the community canteens), Buenaventura and Puerto Tejada (Valle Forum). We also met up with (...)

Seven lessons learned from the Charter of Human Responsibilities’ process in Colombia in 2006 - 6 de março de 2007

Evaluation The Colombian team of the Charter worked in 2006 on an internal reflection analysis on the concept of responsibility and the importance to put it in practice in the Colombian context, and on the dissemination of the Charter and the development of processes emphasising three sectors in three regions of the country: the youth, citizen leaders and women. Thanks to a collaboration (...)

Internal discussions - 9 de dezembro de 2006

In the framework of the convention, 6 meetings were hold between the organizations of the regional platform created to socialize the information on the Charter. Some of these meetings devoted to a debate on the basis of several texts from the Alliance for a plural, responsible and socially responsible world, allowing to better locate and understand the whole process that was at the start of (...)

Diffusion in the medias (Colombia, 2005) - 23 de fevereiro de 2006

The objective was to socialize the information on the Charter and to reveal the event of May 27, 2005. The main activity consisted in reaching the medias of the city to inform them on the Charter and the event, defining thus the importance of the activity and highlighting its projection rather than its possibility. We handed to each journalist concerned: the prospectus of the event (...)

The Charter of Human responsibilities in Colombia: a strategy for empowering civil society - 2 de junho de 2005

Lille, December 2001: the text of a Charter for Human responsibilities is presented to 400 citizens from 120 countries and 25 social and professional backgrounds during the closing ceremony of the World Assembly organised by the Alliance for a Plural, Responsible and United World. Ethics, individual and collective responsibility, dignity, sustainable peace and common good are at the root of (...)

Objectives and strategies - 20 de abril de 2005

The Charter of Responsibilities must enable civil society to develop its own capacity for organisational and institutional empowerment and change stereotypes of political action that have existed up until now. Civil society must, in fact, contribute to the creation of a new type of governance by, for instance, reinforcing mechanisms of control over the communication media and over the (...)

Activities in 2004 and results - 19 de abril de 2005

Initial results of the work 1. The Cauca Valley Women’s Charter of Responsibilities 2. Establishment of a Charter steering group in Cali, called the Initiative Network for a Responsible Citizenship. One of its main objectives is to get together with other social groups and unite through action and reflection over the notion of responsibility. 3. Setting up of a Charter (...)

Increasing awareness, Stimulating Appropriation - 8 de abril de 2005

Educational and social methods

Difficulties - 5 de abril de 2005

The distributed budget. We find ourselves in Colombia in a situation different from that of the other members of the Committee. We, in fact, began the work of disseminating the Charter early, i.e. in July 2003, in response to a call for initiatives and thus received an initial sum to make headway with the work. The debate within the Charter’s Steering Committee over voting methods and budget (...)

Diego ESCOBAR DIAZ - 7 de janeiro de 2005

Coordinator of the Regional Facilitation Committee of the Charter of Human Responsibilities for Latin America, Colombia. Researcher at the CINEP (Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular), has experience in topics related with peace, social movements, Civil Resistance and systematizing methodologies. He works in Human rights and human responsibilities, citizenship. Labor experience: (...)

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