

Partenaire du Comité brésilien de la Charte. Membre de l’Alliance des Journalistes.

Thèmes liés à cet auteur : Environnement et responsabilité . Médias . Environnement . Jeunes .

28 mars 2007
Alliance de journalistes au Brésil pour des médias pluraux, responsables et solidaires

Reporters’ Alliance in Brazil for a dually responsible and solidary media - 12 avril 2007

The International Alliance of Reporters (J-Aliança) in Brazil is a network that was formed in the context of the citizen alliances, which is supported by the FPH (Fundação Charles Leopold Mayer pelo Progresso da Humanidade—Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind). It is headquartered in Paris, France. The goal is to work and focus on the theme of reporters’ (...)

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