

The Chilean society doesn’t see the blinds - 14 de dezembro de 2006

Una joven no vidente adhiere a la Carta y la traduce al sistema Braille

School of Multiversity - initiative activities 2006 - 30 de junho de 2006

The idea to share knowledge and techniques is present in many experiences of self-managed training that fit in the concept of popular education, but what differentiates the school of multiversity to other initiatives? (the whole text is in Spanish only)

Evangelical protestants, Ethics and Human Responsibility - 30 de junho de 2006

Chilean evangelical pastors and laymen give their view on the paper and participation of their church in the present society and the responsibility that is incumbent on them as Christians. (the whole text is in Spanish only)

Reflections on the Charter of Human Responsibilities - 19 de junho de 2006

Here, the voice of several authors expresses clearly how positively the Charter was welcomed in Chile. They express their opinions on responsibility and ethics as foundations of a new understanding among human beings. The document contains the fundamental texts of the Charter. The complete text of the Charter with the explanation of its genesis, the theses and the principles are supplemented (...)

Women and the Charter of Human Responsibilities - 19 de junho de 2006

A detailed presentation of the book exists in Spanish

Reflections on the Charter of Human Responsibilities - 10 de setembro de 2005


Aware Responsibility, Unconscious Irresponsibility, Chile. - 17 de abril de 2005

A Chilean journalist describes the critical state of the individual and social responsibilities in today’s society of Chile from the individuals behaviour. (The whole document only exists in the Spanish version of this article)

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