

Email : hansharms FUo telefonica.net

Partner of the European Committee of the Charter, located in Germany.

Associated Topics to this author: Governance, Human Rights, and responsibility . Environment . Democracy . Economy . Governance . Political responsibility .

7 September 2005
The Ecological Footprint as a Tool in Environmental Education

3 September 2005
“To buy is a political act”: pathways towards a responsible consumption

Nevertheless, there are alternatives: the experience of the cooperative of Mondragón - 3 September 2005

We are in the year 2005 a.C. neo liberalism became the dominating approach all over Europe. Who does not understand yet or does not want to understand the fact that enterprises have to dismiss thousands of workers and employees although they declare record benefits is stamped as dreamer or a complete idiot. But is this really true all over Europe? No, in a remote valley in the deepest Basque (...)

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