

Email : claunay 38o cinep.org.co

Member of the Regional Committee of the Charter for Colombia.

Associated Topics to this author: Governance, Human Rights, and responsibility . Women . Citizenship .

2 June 2005
The Charter of Human responsibilities in Colombia: a strategy for empowering civil society

20 April 2005
Objectives and strategies

Activities in 2004 and results - 19 April 2005

Initial results of the work 1. The Cauca Valley Women’s Charter of Responsibilities 2. Establishment of a Charter steering group in Cali, called the Initiative Network for a Responsible Citizenship. One of its main objectives is to get together with other social groups and unite through action and reflection over the notion of responsibility. 3. Setting up of a Charter (...)

Increasing awareness, Stimulating Appropriation - 8 April 2005

Educational and social methods

Difficulties - 5 April 2005

The distributed budget. We find ourselves in Colombia in a situation different from that of the other members of the Committee. We, in fact, began the work of disseminating the Charter early, i.e. in July 2003, in response to a call for initiatives and thus received an initial sum to make headway with the work. The debate within the Charter’s Steering Committee over voting methods and budget (...)

Claire LAUNAY - 7 January 2005

I am Claire Launay (30 years old, French), I have been working at CINEP (Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular) in Bogotà, Colombia for two years. I am coordinating two projects with my colleague Diego Escobar: disseminating the Charter of Human Responsibilities in 5 regions of Colombia in different social sectors: women, youth, executives, etc. And the creation of a methodological centre (...)

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