

Email : cecile.sabourin YCP uqat.ca

Coordenadora del Comité Regional de la Carta para Canadá y América del Norte.
Presentación (en inglés)

Temas asociados a este autor:

1ro de diciembre de 2009
El equipo se presenta (Canadá)

23 de marzo de 2006
Versión original: Cartón de presentación de los principios de la Carta

About Us (Canada) - 1ro de diciembre de 2009

The initiative of promoting a culture of responsibilities and a Charter of Human Responsibilities at the international level is supported financially by the la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le progrès de l’Homme (FPH), in collaboration with volonteers and organizations who recognize the importance of this endeavor. It is facilitated by the Centre de recherche et animation socioéconomique (...)

Earlier version : an information brochure - 9 de junio de 2005

(The latest version of the Charter - from end 2007 - is available in the ’Charter text’ section) Tool created by the Canadian Charter Committee. " Meeting makes the connection; the written word conveys the message". In the information brochure you will find a short history of the human adventure leading to the creation of the Alliance, and an overview of it’s goals and principles. There are (...)

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