| Schools
International Youth Conference on Environment - From June 5 to 10, 2010, Luziania, Brasilia, was the epicenter of a meeting of diverse voices, colors, energy, and a lot of joy. Nearly 53 countries from the 5 continents participated in the Children and Youth International Conference “Let’s Take Care of the Planet,” final destination of a process that involved millions of people around the world, in which our boys and girls, with their ideas, proposals and dreams, were the main protagonists. (...) |
Human Responsibility
in the Framework of Sustainable Development.
Putting Our Heads together to React and to Act
Ecological Problems and Human Responsibility; Agenda 21 for Schools and Institutions.
Seminar at the Saguramo Orphanage and School, Georgia, October 4, 2009, SaqarTvelo
Under the responsibility of: Marina Avaliani
Seminar organized by:
Group for the dissemination of the (...) | |
Teaching guide
This teaching guide was created in the framework of the Children and Youth International Conference « Let’s Take Care of the Planet » project, launched by the Ministries of Education and Environment of Brazil and is supported by the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for Human Progress. In France and in Europe, it is coordinated by the Monde Pluriel organization, in partnership with (...) | |
The Charter of Responsibilities of the Children of Chile to the Environment and Climate Change has been finalized, drafted from the logs of the National Conference of Children of Chile "Let’s Take Care of Chile" carried out in Santiago de Chile this past December 16 (International Confint Brasilia 2010).
For a detailed report on all the CONFINT Chile process toward the international CONFINT (...) | |
An international process
on climate-change impacts and youth commitments
The Brazilian Ministry of Education, in partnership with UNESCO and the UNEP – United Nations Environment Program, invites all the UN countries to participate in an International Conference of children and youth for the environment to involve the youth from all continents in a process of awareness raising, reflection (...) | |
In 2008/09, our group organized many presentations of the Charter. Foremost in schools, about 25 institutions in all, located in 5 different regions of Georgia, one of which (Akhaltsikhe) is inhabited by a majority of Armenians and another (Marneuli) by a majority of Azeris.
During our discussions on the Charter, both the pupils’ and the teachers’ interest was always quickly focused on the (...) | |
Last July 14, 2009, the Philippines launched the local campaign for the “Let’s Take Care of the Planet” International Conference to be held in Brazil on 2010. The Philippine National Organizing Committee of the said international conference, which includes the Charter of Human Responsibilities, Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), UNESCO (...) | |
An online game (requires flash plugin) where "you are president of the European Nations. You must tackle climate change and stay popular enough with the voters to remain in office". The educational goal is "to give an understanding of some of the causes of climate change, particularly those related to carbon dioxide emissions, to give players an awareness of some of the policy options (...) | |
20-pages presentation: Introduction - Historical Context - What is the Children and Youth International Conference for the Environment? - Objectives of the International Conference – Principles - Organizational Structure – Steps - Calendar of Events - Expected Results | |
Horlicks Wizkids one of India’s largest literary and cultural events for schools packed with action, excitement and entertainment. Horlicks WIZKIDS 2007 by Activity was bigger than ever before, touching 27 cities across India, more than 3,000,000 students from 4500 schools. The event featured 40 different competitions for students from 1st to 12th Std.
Within the purview of the Horlicks (...) | |
[9 pages presentation, to download below in pdf format ,as well as a 2-page summary] The Government of Brazil, through the Ministries of Environment and Education, invite the nations of the world to participate in a large scale process of international cooperation: the Children and Youth International Conference for the Environment – Let’s Take Care of the Planet, in Brasilia, 2010. (...) | |
A partner organization of the Charter of Human Responsibilities Philippine Facilitation Team, the Center for Positive Futures, is a partner in the Global Classroom Initiative (GCI) project initiated by Monde Pluriel, a France-based non-governmental organization. Monde Pluriel hopes to raise awareness among different sectors of society on global citizenship. The GCI aims to promote (...) | |
Last April 19, 2008 in Kaspi (Georgia) the team of the Georgian facilitation has completed the project "let’s make our village cleaner and more beautiful" with the NGO "Community of the Thezami women”.
Tsisso Chipashvili presented the Charter and facilitated the workshop "Children and responsibility" in front of 80 schoolchildren and teachers.
Then the three groups of schoolchildren planted (...) | |
The Indian Charter facilitation team, in association with Activity, an edutainment company, has successfully facilitated the drafting of Indian Children’s Charter of Social and Environmental Responsibilities for the second year.
Horlicks Wizkids – 2007, a personality competition that recognizes the outstanding students, who are all-rounders and have a good balance of character & (...) | |
The Charter of Human Responsibilities (CHR) – Philippine Team and its Indian-based counterpart, CHR-India represented by Sudha Reddy, together with the World Youth Water Alliance represented by Anugraha John, launched a joint undertaking which focused on environmental awareness raising among students in selected schools in Metro Manila and the sub-urban areas. The week-long Film Festival (...) | |
The fourth International Conference on Environmental Education organized by UNESCO, UNEP and other partners in collaboration with Centre for Environment Education, Ahmedabad, India was held in Ahmedabad between November 24 and 28, 2007.
There were around 30 working group sessions varying from Non Formal Spaces of Learning, Education towards sustainability concerns of Natural Resources in (...) | |
The Brazilian Government, through the Ministries of the Environment and Education, considers carry through the International Children’s Conference for the Environment “Let’s take care of the Planet”, in 2010, involving a wide process of international cooperation. | |
2007 - Establishment of Agreements for International Cooperation between Brazil, the participating countries and the partners
Formation, in each country, of a Coordination Group composed by three instances, or a tripod : Government (Ministries of Education, the Environment and others, as Culture, Science and Technology…), University and Civil Society (NGOs and Youth Movements). (...) | |
To contribute for confrontation of serious planetary social and environmental problems through educational means and the promotion of community participation.
To enable that the largest possible amounts of young people, teachers and school communities concern themselves at the local level with planetary commitments, by assuming responsibilities for building sustainable societies, (...) | |
What is the Children’s Conference on the Environment?
It is an educational campaign that brings about the political dimension of the environment to schools and other instances children and youth organizations.
It mobilizes and engages children in science research and their communities in the debate about contemporary challenges on social and environmental issues.
The Conference is a process (...) | |
Asian Film Festival on the Environment
Philippines, 9th - 16th October, 2007
The Charter of Human Responsibilities Facilitation Teams of the Philippines and India have organised, jointly with the World Youth Water Alliance (WYWA, an organisation inspired by the CHR) the "Asian Film Festival on the Environment" between 9th October - 16th October 2007, along with local partners like Buklod (...) | |
The national final workshop of Wizkids Team 2006 was held on November 10th, followed by the Grand Finale, after a weeklong interdisciplinary program. Here is a description of the workshop process. It was a thrilling and a mutually learning experience. | |
Presentation by Fleur de Lys C. Cupino, during the “Learning for Life: Creating Endless Possibilities in Secondary Education” SEAMEO INNOTECH International Conference, November 16, 2006.
Education affordable to those who have less
Education for the Economically Disadvantaged can be a Sustainable Enterprise
Parent Enterprise Program
Quality Education
School-Family Partnership (...) | |
Invited to speak during the 10th SEAMEO-INNOTECH International Conference held in Quezon City, Philippines, last November 15-17, 2006, I had the opportunity to present the Charter for Human Responsibility. SEAMEO INNOTECH is short for Southeast Asian Ministers Regional Center for Innovative Education and Technology. (http://www.seameo-innotech.org/)
Theme of the Conference was "Learning (...) | |
Short synopsis of the programme
The Regional team for the Charter in India had a lot of discussions and interactions since May 2006 with an “edutainment” company, The Activity, based in Bangalore, initiating a programme incorporating the Charter of Human Responsibilities in its Horlicks Wizkids 2006 event.
The Activity as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) agreed to promote and (...) | |
The Charter for Human Responsibilities joined the Eco-Trade Fair Exhibit in Miriam College in Quezon City, Philippines from August 7 to 12, 2006. It was a celebration of Miriam College’s 80th anniversary. The exclusive girl’s college is one of the prestigious schools putting environmental protection in its curricular and co-curricular agenda.
The Charter Team joined the Bayanihan (...) | |
This document gives an account of the unique and successful experience of the Second National Children and Youth Conference for the Environment held by the Ministries of Education and Environment.
We present here a detailed methodological account, the outcomes and evaluation of this process, which mobilised more than 4 million people across the whole of Brazil.
The results are organised (...) | |
Organization for Training, Research and Development (OTRADEV) Foundation. The Charter of Human Responsibilities was first presented to the members of OTRADEV in April 2004 at the University of the Philippines lagoon grounds. In that gathering, the members gave their consent to get involved in the promotion of the Charters principles through a video-documentation project focusing on how the (...) | |
Rights and responsibilities, Life Experience - Each of us has an experience that changed our lives forever. | |
This project was conducted by high school students of the Center for Positive Futures (CPF) as part of their Social Studies class.
The activity centered on partnering with a class in a public elementary school around the general notion of environmental responsibility, involving four classes of students in CPF and four elementary school classes in four different public elementary schools. Two (...) | |
Peace Camp conducted by the Community of Learners Foundation in an urban poor community in Barangay Payatas, Quezon City. The Community of Learners is a non-traditional school teaching social responsibility among its students, who belong to middle class and upper middle class families.
These upper middle class high school leaders, in partnership with lower middle class high school leaders (...) | |
The Library of Human Responsibilities was set up as a community library within the school library of the Center for Positive Futures in Barangay Banaba, San Mateo, Rizal. Featuring in the library are books, documentaries and films which promote environmental and social responsibility.
The Library shall sponsor a series of activities to encourage developing responsibilities of community (...) | |