O que é a conferência infantojuvenil pelo meio ambiente ? - A experiência brasileira
Objetivos - Alguns princípios Cronograma - Resultados esperados Conferência Internacional Infantojuvenil Pelo Meio Ambiente Oficina Valores e Responsabilidades Passo a Passo para a Conferência de Meio Ambiente na Escola - Documento metodológico Video Convite para a Conferência internacional infanto-juvenil pelo medio ambiente |
Início Atividades Atividades regionais América Latina Brasil Conferência internacional infanto juvenil - "Vamos cuidar do planeta" - Brasil 2010 Publicado em 3 de dezembro de 2007
Cronograma - Expected results
Temas fortes ligados:
Educação e responsabilidade .
Meio ambiente e responsabilidade .
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Cronograma2007 - Establishment of Agreements for International Cooperation between Brazil, the participating countries and the partners Formation, in each country, of a Coordination Group composed by three instances, or a tripod : Government (Ministries of Education, the Environment and others, as Culture, Science and Technology…), University and Civil Society (NGOs and Youth Movements).
2008 - World-wide launching Collective definition, with the Managing Groups, of the rules for the Conference and proposal of educational materials
2009 - Conferences in the Schools and National Children’s - Conferences for the Environment Holding Conferences in the Schools followed by National Conferences in each country, with clear procedures of thematic debates, collective construction of a Charter of Responsibilities, participation of delegates from the schools and the election of the delegation of the country for the International Conference of 2010. 2010 - International conference (July) Multicultural meeting of democratically elected delegations from all the participating countries. The International Conference will elaborate an International Charter of Responsibilities “Let’s take care of the Planet”, a synthesis of the commitments assumed by the children for the construction of sustainable societies. Expected results Participation of 5% of elementary schools (5th to 8th grades or equivalent) in the participant countries.