O que é a conferência infantojuvenil pelo meio ambiente ? - A experiência brasileira
Objetivos - Alguns princípios Cronograma - Resultados esperados Conferência Internacional Infantojuvenil Pelo Meio Ambiente Oficina Valores e Responsabilidades Passo a Passo para a Conferência de Meio Ambiente na Escola - Documento metodológico Video Convite para a Conferência internacional infanto-juvenil pelo medio ambiente |
Início Atividades Atividades regionais América Latina Brasil Conferência internacional infanto juvenil - "Vamos cuidar do planeta" - Brasil 2010 Publicado em 29 de novembro de 2007
What is the Children’s Conference on the Environment? - The Brazilian Experience
Temas fortes ligados:
Educação e responsabilidade .
Meio ambiente e responsabilidade .
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What is the Children’s Conference on the Environment?It is an educational campaign that brings about the political dimension of the environment to schools and other instances children and youth organizations.
The Brazilian experienceBrazil has organized, during the years 2003 and 2005, the 1st. and the 2nd. National Children’s Conferences for the Environment, involving the direct participation of 21,000 schools and about 8 million people.
The Conference event makes it possible to assemble a diversity of educational programs and actions that contribute for the dissemination of environmental education, answering to social demands, especially concerning the children.
For more information on the 2nd National Children’s Conferences for the Environment, click here |