Globalisation, diversity and minorities : discussion among teachers over the Charter’s first principle
Mondialisation, diversité et minorités : débat entre enseignants autour du principe 1 de la Charte Individual and public responsibilities Responsabilités individuelle et publique De la Charte aux problèmes concrets Moving from the Charter to concrete problems Reflections of a reality : Civil society, terrorism, democracy, concrete actions Reflets d’une réalité : Société civile, terrorisme, démocratie, actions concrètes De l’incrédulité à l’intérêt prudent From incredulity to cautious interest Humanisme nouveau et diversité des cultures Petite réunion à la section philosophique de l’Université de l’Etat, le 28 octobre 2004 Small meeting in the State University’s philosophy department, 28th October 2004 A group of actors around the text of the Charter Un groupe d’initiative autour du texte de la Charte Des pistes pour continuer : propositions d’initiatives |
Accueil Activités Activités régionales Europe Géorgie et pays du Caucase Série de Conférences-débats, Tbilissi, octobre 2004 Publié le 1er juillet 2005
Plans to go on with : initiative proposals par Ina Ranson | |
There were a number of initiatives put forward by Georgians. A number of people would be ready to take part in a work group on a new translation, adapting the Charter to a Georgian context. Anastasia Zakariadze, philosophy professor at the State University, who has just set up the organisation “Center of Bioethical Investigations and Culture”, would like to take part in the Alliance processes and in the Charter work group. Marina Avaliani, chemistry researcher and academician, suggested setting up a work group in her academic institute. Julia Kharashvili, chairwoman of an NGO for Abkhazian refugees (IDP - Internal Displaced Persons) has decided to use the Charter in her work with young people. Tinatin Bochorishvili proposed creating a work group in the Institute for Political Science and the Academy of Sciences. The group is to meet once a month. In my discussions with academic friends, there was often a great deal of interest when I spoke about Hans Jonas’ central ideas. I think it would be a good idea to translate this book into Georgian. This relatively modest investment could have major repercussions. If the FPH could send a few books to Georgia, they would be read and discussed. I think it would be useful to put together small folders assembling various information related to the Charter’s different principles, which would make it possible to enhance the presentation with concrete illustrations – folders for schoolchildren, students and other groups. |