
Publié le 7 janvier 2005
Traductions disponibles en : Español (original) . français .


Colombia, Latin America

Coordinator of the Regional Facilitation Committee of the Charter of Human Responsibilities for Latin America, Colombia. Researcher at the CINEP (Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular), has experience in topics related with peace, social movements, Civil Resistance and systematizing methodologies. He works in Human rights and human responsibilities, citizenship.

Labor experience :
Researcher at the CINEP team 1997-1998.
Coordinator, 1998-2000
Researcher in Human rights, Violence and Peace, 2000-2002.
Coordinator in Human rights and Peace, 2003.
Coordinator in Networking team, 2004.

Education : he has a Magíster in History, studies in history and sociology.

Last publications :

- ESCOBAR DÍAZ, DIEGO, KARÍN RODRÍGUEZ, "El Rostro Oculto del Movimiento Ciudadano por la paz : encrucijada o alternativa. Controversia" (The Hidden Face of the Civic Movement for Peace : crossroad or alternative. Controversy). Antropos Editions, p.45 - 76, 2001.

- ESCOBAR DÍAZ, DIEGO, ALEJANDRO ANGLE, "Movimiento por la paz en el CINEP" (Movement for peace at the CINEP). Foro journal.

- ESCOBAR DÍAZ, DIEGO. Thematic Encyclopedia Quorum XXI, 2001, v.IV.

E-mail : descobar_2001 RX7 yahoo.com


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