Changeons l ’Afrique
Charte africaine de partenariat entre habitants et collectivites locales Charte et médias Charte et responsabilités publiques au Togo Contact Dem Walla Dee : partir ou mourir La Charte des responsabilités humaines et l’Union Africaine La Charte et la gestion des conflits en Afrique La Charte sur fond musical rap, en wolof, français et anglais ! La Charte vue par les femmes La coopération internationale : un instrument efficace pour lutter contre la pauvreté ? Les enfants sénégalais chantent la Charte et les droits de l’enfant Outils pédagogiques et stratégies |
Is the international cooperation an efficient instrument to fight against poverty ? par Sidiki Abdoul DAFF | |
Development and struggle against poverty : the civil society presents its proposals to face this challenge Sidiki Daff presents an analysis from an actor of the southern countries, on the problematic of poverty, of the efficiency or inefficiency of the international cooperation, of the debt’s burden in the countries of the south. He also presents the international campaign organized by the International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAH) for the debt conversion, whose objective is to set up a basic service for the deprived populations. This text is extracted from a speech presented by Sidiki Daff at the general states of solidarity and international cooperation, co-organized by the civil society, the Italian ministry of international cooperation and the City of Rome, in November 2006. (The whole document is available in French only) |