Here is a video excerpt of the interview (Montreal, August 10, 2009), “The myth of pluralism. A dialog with Robert Vachon" (former director of the Institut Interculturel de Montréal, founder and director of the magazine Interculture).
In his life devoted to cross-cultural dialog and through his explorations in the Institut Interculturel de Montréal of the cultures of the world and the dialog (...) |
The second edition of the Christoph Eberhard’s book, Le droit au miroir des cultures. Pour une autre mondialisation (The Law as a Mirror of Cultures. For Another Globalization) has just been published with a preface by Etienne Le Roy.
In this age of globalization, Law theoreticians and researchers in social sciences are increasingly questioning the adequacy of their tools for (...) |
Human Responsibility
in the Framework of Sustainable Development.
Putting Our Heads together to React and to Act
Ecological Problems and Human Responsibility; Agenda 21 for Schools and Institutions.
Seminar at the Saguramo Orphanage and School, Georgia, October 4, 2009, SaqarTvelo
Under the responsibility of: Marina Avaliani
Seminar organized by:
Group for the dissemination of the (...) |
Regional Activities -
Asia -
Brazilian Memories
, 24 November 2008
It is impossible to be dispassionate while writing about Brazil. I wouldn’t be able to do it even if I were hung by my feet from a plank over a school of menacing sharks and told that my life depended on it. Such is the intensity of feeling and the warmth of memories that the name evokes. So naturally, “A formal report on my trip to Brazil” sounds like an oxymoron!
The beginnings of this saga (...) |
(16-pages word document, available below) |
South Asian Workshop : “Uniting in Responsibilities in a Culture of Rights”
At the Centre for Gandhian Studies of Bangalore University
4-5-6 April 2008, Bangalore
Position paper by Edith Sizoo
(Coordinator International Committee for the Promotion of The Charter of Human Responsibilities)
Cultural diversity of perceptions and practices
"Duty" as distinct from "Responsibility” (...) |
The objectives of the research project are:
1. To understand the ideas associated with "Responsibility" in the 11 languages / cultural contexts of the participants in the project
2. To identify consequences of these understandings for social practices in those cultural contexts
3. To find common elements unfolded in these understandings
4. To contribute to an intercultural dialogue (...) |
After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, there are some who believe that the future of architecture of global politics will require setting up a global-governance system. The global-governance issue is characterized by the shift from a scenario where the power of the states is regulated to avoid disequilibrium and maintain the status quo, to one where international law and the role of (...) |
The China-India Forum is a platform for cross-cultural dialogue and action working towards a responsible, plural and harmonious society in the interest of both the countries.
The China-India Forum recognizes that youth both as key agents and target groups have a unique and vital contribution in promoting a new paradigm of cultural diversity, cross-cultural dialogue and sustainable (...) |
Introduction - A possible approach (Basic ideas: The self as part of a whole, Unwrapping the cocoon, Specific within the universal, Exploring the way to joint action) - Facilitating a process : Creating creative space - Phases in the process (selection of a topic, selection of participants, first ’tour d’horizon’, second round, third round, the meeting - And finally: the (...) |
Share knowledge, creating networks, promoting good practices, linking the notion of human rights with the one of responsibilities |
The idea to share knowledge and techniques is present in many experiences of self-managed training that fit in the concept of popular education, but what differentiates the school of multiversity to other initiatives?
(the whole text is in Spanish only) |
How to proceed? How to publish? Intercultural glossary
Those who commit themselves to translate the Charter of Human Responsibilities into their mother tongue are taking up an unusual challenge. They are supposed not to translate the text as literally as possible, but rather to convey its content and meaning in a way suitable to their own cultural context. Thus the idea is to create a text (...) |
Dr. Sylvia Guerrero of the University of the Philippines facilitated a workshop attended by ten participants on the topic Cultures and Responsibility last March 31, 2006. The workshop focused on the concepts of indigenous responsibility. The result of the workshop will be part of the data that will be incorporated in a chapter of a book on Ethical Foundations and Social Practices (a (...) |
1. Dominant international discourse and cultural specificities
We recognize that the starting point of the project is the wider context as set out above.
As Christoph Eberhard (C.E.) has put it : "This project is part of the process of the "Charter of Human Responsibilities" and the ultimate objective of a "third pillar of international life" as a complement to the Universal Declaration of (...) |
Participants List |
Specific objectives
Within the wider context described above, the specific objectives of the research project are to bring to the fore :
1. Specific understandings of the idea of Responsibility in the 10 languages / cultures of the participants in the project
2. Consequences of these understandings for social practices in those cultural contexts
3. Common elements unfolded in these (...) |
Intercultural Research Group |
Regional Activities -
Southern Pacific -
by Betsan MARTIN, 10 April 2006
Humphries, M.T. and Martin, B. (2005). Diversity Ethics: a compass pointing to relationality and reciprocity for navigating turbulent seas. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management - In Print
Martin, B. (2005) ‘Responsibility. Guardians of Life’ - Submitted for Yfeng Zhao’s edited publication on Responsibility. China.
Martin, B; Humphries, M.; with Te Rangiita, (...) |
In a period of increasing international communication - which by its very nature is intercultural - there is a tendency to use concepts which are supposed to be understood in the same way by communities rooted in a great variety of different histories and cultural contexts all over the world. This leads to numerous intercultural misunderstandings and (...) |
It seems that a sense of responsibility (grounded in parenthood) is found among all groups of human beings. However, the way in which responsibility is assumed and accounted for is deeply embedded in each cultural context. |
In this article we will focus in particular on the relationship between Cultures and Responsibility in connection with the new challenges humankind has to face. This requires to be clear about the two concepts. |
Conference-debate at the Academy of Sciences, 27th October 2004 |
Latin American Meeting on Culture, Ethics and Responsibility
Santiago, January 17 2005
Paper by Gustavo Marin•,
at a Latin American Meeting
On Culture, Ethics and Responsibility
Santiago, January 17 2005
Fifty years ago, in 1955, Nelson Mandela and those who were in the liberation movement with him held the Congress of the People in Kliptown, a poor neighbourhood located in Cape City. (...) |
The job of translating the Charter was given to a group of Senegalese linguists who are national language specialists and/or promoters. Socially speaking, this group is made up of religious people (imams), national language reading and writing teachers and campaigners fighting for the use of national languages in the education system. They all master both forms of Wolof transcription: that (...) |
In order to popularise the Charter in Senegal, we opted for a comprehensive approach using diversified formats (text, audio tape). It was translated into the national language, Wolof (first national language in Senegal) with Latin lettering. In Senegal this language can also be written with Arabic lettering. Yet this is still not enough for the Charter to be shared as 70% of Senegalese (...) |
Regional Activities -
Asia -
by Sudha REDDY, 1 April 2005
Languages, cultures and understanding
As the process of translations of the Charter texts began, the translators had difficulty in finding one-to-one equations in words and expressions that can effectively convey the sense of the Principles to the lowest common denominator among the public.
Language being culture specific, connotative meanings take precedence over denotative meanings in any (...) |
Disseminating the principles of the Charter of Human Responsibilities has indeed been a challenging task, especially in the Indian context where the term ‘responsibility’ takes on different connotations. Our first hurdle was to rework the language and even modify it after discussion with groups of people.
Here I am going to talk about how this was done with one group. That of democratic (...) |
Intercultural Research Group -
Intercultural Glossary
, 24 February 2005
Why an intercultural dialogue?
How can we explain the cultural differences between significations ?
Questions on the semantic field of the word "responsibility". |
Speech by Qin Hui in the closing session of the Lille Assembly, December 10th 2001
Author : Hui Qin
(The whole document only exists in the French version of this article.) |
The elaboration of this text presents the originality to wish to take in consideration the cultural diversity not to be limited to a solely western dimension of the text. This report describes the process used during the workshop of Syros: the aim of this workshop was to find a consensus on six common principles, their content, and the means of their implementation, which became relevant in (...) |