

Political responsibility

7 May 2010 - Regional Activities - Asia
Symposium on "CHR to Promote the Culture of Responsibilities in Nepal"

12 March 2010
A 12-year old child’s take on the responsibility of adults

Asian Forum on Solidarity Economy by Edith SIZOO, 8 March 2010

Conference in Tokyo, November 7 to 10, 2009. Summary of the paper presented at the final plenary session by Edith Sizoo, international coordinator of the initiative to promote the Charter of Human Responsibilities. Political, economic, religious, etc. institutions have so far responded insufficiently to the many world crises. Debates on societal issues (for instance on genetic research) (...)

Book: Essay on Oeconomy , 8 January 2010

Essay on Oeconomy, by Pierre Calame “How can we change the unviable model of development into a lasting society?” This is the fundamental question that raises Pierre Calame in his latest essay, which he claims to be an “intellectual progression and exploration”. There is thus no pretention of giving answers, but a will to debate on a few proposals and principles he believes to be essential to (...)

Regional Activities - Asia -
News from Iran , 28 August 2008

Below you will find some news from Iran, sent by our partners from the Charter Iranian team. Iranian women’s rights activists are initiating a wide campaign demanding an end to discriminatory laws against women in the Iranian law: http://www.4equality.info/english/ Iran: Spare Four Youths from Execution and Immediately Enforce International Prohibition on the Death Penalty for Juvenile (...)

Regional Activities - Asia -
Youth voicing for Climate Change, G8 Summit - Japan , 18 July 2008

Youth voicing their strong opinion for Climate Change and Sustainable Development at G8 Summit in Japan The G8 (Group of Eight) Summit is being held in Hokkaido, Japan in July 2008. Japan Youth G8 (JYG8) invited more than 100 youth activists and organizations around the world to participate in an international youth forum between 27th June - 30t June 2008 where they discussed the world’s (...)

Forum for a new World Governance , 10 June 2008

Each passing day increases the feeling dramatically that a system of world governance is vitally needed, which respects all human beings, all that is living, and the planet as a whole. To act, we have to think, we have to make viable, applicable proposals, now. More than ever, we need to facilitate the convergence of all the thinking and the emergence of the proposals drawn from all cultures. (...)

Regional Activities - North America -
Energy and responsibility by Nina GREGG, 22 June 2007

Awareness of climate change and global warming is motivating many individuals, communities and organizations to make changes in their energy consumption practices. Most projections show that conservation can have an impact on energy use, but to have a significant impact on the human sources of climate change, we really need fundamental changes in industrial, national and regional policies of (...)

Regional Activities - Latin America -
Why is the Bolivarian victory a perfect storm? by Ricardo JIMENEZ, 9 February 2007

Even if just for genuine ignorance or interested silence, the fact that the regional oligarchic medias reduce the recent electoral Bolivarian victory with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to a mere success of the President Hugo Chávez in doing "populism", "squandering" the money coming from oil, should bring us to think about it. The whole text is in Spanish (...)

Regional Activities - Southern Pacific -
Water Forum: from the stories of our rivers to the quality of water by Betsan MARTIN, 11 January 2007

Resume Charter activities in New Zealand are focusing on water. At a series of forums and meetings those with a focus on environmental responsibility emphasise water as a public good. Information given by activists and NGO’s track the ‘commodification’ of water, through various pressures for privatization and management through resource allocation and lease rights. The NZ Sustainable Water (...)

Regional Activities - Southern Africa -
Stand up for your rights by François OST, 26 July 2006

RESPONSIBILITY, JUSTICE AND AIDS - "A matter of human rights and dignity" Description of an important mobilization in South Africa to fight against AIDS, violence made to women, for human dignity and human rights. Common but differentiated responsibilities: responsibility of the patient, the circle, the civil society associations, the South-African government, the international community. (...)

Regional Activities - Latin America -
Letter to the President of Brazil and the Ministers of Environment and Education by Edith SIZOO, 12 June 2006

Following the Conference, Edith Sizoo, Coordinator of the International Charter Team, wrote to Mr Lula, Mrs Silva and Mr Haddad.

Regional Activities - Latin America -
Michelle… by Gustavo MARIN, 12 April 2006

The election of Michelle Bachelet as President of Chile on 15 January 2006 constitutes a fact of historical significance that goes beyond political and institutional factors. Indeed, factors of an ethical and anthropological nature were fundamental to her election, demonstrating therefore that taking them into account is essential to better understanding the underlying logic of governance (...)

Regional Activities - Southern Pacific -
The Treaty of Waitangi and the Foreshore and Seabed by Betsan MARTIN, 7 January 2005

Over the past year the ‘ownership’ of the Foreshore and Seabed has taken the dimensions of a tidal wave crashing on the shores of Aotearoa-New Zealand, and put relations between Maori and government under more pressure than they have been for a century. Under the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi indigenous titles to land were to be upheld. By 2003 the Foreshore is the last remaining area still in (...)

Regional Activities - West Africa -
The Charter and public responsibilities in Togo by Gaetan SYMFAYA, Markoua DADJO, 4 January 2005

Reinforcing public responsibilities in Togo through the Charter of human responsibilities (meeting of July 24th 2004)


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