Entreprises et solidarité
L’éducation à une citoyenneté active et responsable L’exercice des responsabilités de l’entreprise "La pauvreté comme violation des droits humains" : une force libératoire. Refonder nos Droits dans le dialogue des cultures - L’émergence de nouvelles responsabilités, introduction. Le rôle du théoricien / anthropologue du Droit face aux enjeux émergents Enjeux pour une refondation du Droit Comprendre en profondeur la signification du Concept de Responsabilité, Brésil Femmes du monde entier, unissez-vous ! |
“Poverty as a violation of human rights” : a liberating force. What is at stake ? What are the prospects ? par Christoph EBERHARD | |
Taking human rights seriously implies, at a basic level, guaranteeing every human being the means to live a life worthy of a human being. In the face of today’s phenomena of mass pauperization, it seems essential to recognize the urgent need to combat poverty, all the more so when we realize that "mass poverty" is not just a feature of many countries : it is a feature of our whole world, the world to which our discussions of human rights as "universal" are supposed to apply. The gap, in absolute as well as relative terms, between the "haves" and the "have nots" keeps on growing wider ; as we watch, more and more people are being shut out from our "global village Documents