How do we make the Charter known to a wide section of people?
Translating the text of the Charter: the Indian subcontinent consists of a number of separate linguistic communities each of which shares a common language and culture. Contemporary languages and dialects, as they figure in the lives of most Indians, are a far cry from the stylised literary forms of Indo-Aryan or Dravidian languages. As a proverb has it, "Every two miles the water changes, every four miles the speech." Spoken dialects of distant villages will be less and less mutually understandable and finally become even mutually unintelligible outside the immediate region. In addition, there are numerous regional dialects that villagers use in their day-to-day life.
This was one of the main reasons for us to translate the Charter of Human Responsibilities in the regional languages. We therefore prepared drafts of the Principles of the Charter in various Indian languages.
Organising workshops with groups of women and men, young and old with all abilities and initiating a conversation to share the Principles with them and encouraging them to understand these in their own ways but clearly.
Encouraging the participants to draw, rephrase the Principles and understand what is being shared and talked about. Making connections between metaphors, cultural phrases and sayings, but to be rigorous and be within the frames of the Principles.
The Women workshop held in september 2004 was an excellent experience showing how difficult it is to communicate and understand words in different cultural contexts. The methodology, based on drawings, allowed an intense exchange among women on their vision of responsibility and understanding of the Charter Principles. Our partners have thus decided to replicate this methodology.
Using the images and the words to prepare the Charter or the new Sutra. Make sure that the final form of the image and words is what people have understood and also reaffirmed.
Publishing and distributing the Charter. A happy outcome from our experience with the various methodologies we used in disseminating the Charter is that we feel that extensive traveling and a near one-on-one outreach are needed for positive and widespread response. This might consume time but yet worth pursuing.