

Women and responsibility

30 January 2010 - Regional Activities - Southern Pacific
A visit to Vanuatu

23 July 2008 - Regional Activities - Asia
ACI nominates the “Women’s Movement in Iran” for the United Nations 2008 Human Rights Prize

Regional Activities - Asia -
Beauty humiliated? Or humiliation beautified? , 12 July 2007

Being a woman in Iran today

Regional Activities - Asia -
A Feminine approach to individual/society interactions by Sudha REDDY, 12 December 2006

An economy at the service of the society. What relationships between Individual and Society? V International Conference PEKEA (Political and Ethical Knowledge on Economic Activities), Dakar, 1 - 3 Dec. 2006. Session on The Woman approach to Individual-Society Interactions

Regional Activities - Southern Pacific -
Women’s workshop – Kotare, August 06 by Betsan MARTIN, 5 December 2006

In New Zealand there is a centre called Kotare that works for social transformation. It holds workshops on many topics such as green economics, globalization, relations with indigenous people and sewage management. Providing an opportunity for structural and social analysis with young activists is an emphasis of the centre. An intergenerational gathering of women was held in August. We (...)

Regional Activities - Southern Africa -
Stand up for your rights by François OST, 26 July 2006

RESPONSIBILITY, JUSTICE AND AIDS - "A matter of human rights and dignity" Description of an important mobilization in South Africa to fight against AIDS, violence made to women, for human dignity and human rights. Common but differentiated responsibilities: responsibility of the patient, the circle, the civil society associations, the South-African government, the international community. (...)

Regional Activities - Latin America -
Women and the Charter of Human Responsibilities by Carlos RIVERA, 19 June 2006

A detailed presentation of the book exists in Spanish

Regional Activities - Asia -
Women empowerment by Sudha REDDY, 6 April 2005

The Women workshop Based on the methodology and strategies we had defined, in September we initiated leadership training workshops for women, keeping the principles of the Charter as the core values of a democratic leadership. To begin with, we held workshops for 250 literate and illiterate women belonging to various castes, religious and linguistic communities. It was an edifying (...)

Regional Activities - West Africa -
The Charter as seen by women by Ama ESSO, Markoua DADJO, 4 January 2005

Using the Charter of Human Responsibilities for the promotion of gender awareness and equality between men and women in Africa: dialogues organised by a group of women


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