| Culture of peace
Regional Activities -
North Africa and the Middle East -
Monthly Bulletins
, 19 December 2008
We propose you here the monthly bulletins presenting texts that were published by Lebanese students and intellectuals who support the causes of democracy, secularism, progress, freedom and social justice, and who refuse civil war, despotism and occupation. This independent initiative tries to be opened to all important discussions in the Lebanese society. The bulletins are only (...) | |
Regional Activities -
Europe -
Stop Russia!
, 4 September 2008
Last September 1, Georgians from all over the country gathered together in a massive chain to protest Russia’s continued occupation of Georgia. Winding through most of the major streets of Tbilisi, crowds of people held hands, sang Georgian songs, chanted slogans, honked horns, held up signs, waved flags, cried and prayed. (...) | |
Motivated by Charter of Human Responsibilities (CHR), Youth Activ8 Foundation, a national youth development organization and Indian facilitation Committee of CHR had jointly organized an international consultation on, "Youth Responsibility for Environment, Peace and Sustainable development” On April, 1st, 2008 in Delhi.
Delegates from Colleges, Professional Institutes, and Grassroots (...) | |
The Charter of Human Responsibilities was presented to the 300 officers of the Colombian Military Academy during the mission carried out in Colombia in May 2008 in the context of the work to build a global alliance of military personnel, by Gustavo Marin (Programme Director at the FPH and Director of the Forum for a New World Governance), with the French General (retired) Patrice Mompeyssin, (...) | |
The unpopularity across the US of the war in Iraq is well documented. Yet the efforts of individuals and groups in the US and elsewhere to end the war are having no apparent impact on US policy: as Christopher Hayes wrote in the April 14, 2008 issue of The Nation:
It is in this context that a group of Democratic Congressional candidates, retired military officers and national security (...) | |
IV. NGOs, Movements and CHR:
1. CHR in Environmental Action in addressing Climate Change and global warming:
Greenpeace, India and CHR in the one million signatures to support campaign on ‘Ban the Bulb’.
Greenpeace India has found the relevance of CHR in its objectives and actions. The Charter principles pamphlets are being distributed along with Green Peace campaign documents in educational (...) | |
Regional Activities -
North Africa and the Middle East -
A Message of Peace
, 12 March 2008
These three videos were broadcast on all the Lebanese TV channels in 2007. It is a message of peace, against the civil war, broadcast on the occasion of the Beirut book fair and the publication in Arabic of the book by Samir Kassir on the Lebanese war.
The message in the videos is one of refusal of pure chance: we can avoid suffering a new civil war if we understand the reasons of the (...) | |
Regional Activities -
Asia -
Children of Iran
, 11 October 2007
We are witnessing the build-up to yet another horrendous war. The drumbeat is growing louder, in the words of our "leaders," and in the language of our press. Daily, the American public is being presented with more "reasons" to justify an attack on Iran. The process is sickeningly familiar. It comes as no surprise that Iran’s unpopular "leader" has failed to ease the developing tensions. (...) | |
This VIDEO presents the overview of a young man’s life, a student who hates Mondays, the day when university starts again after festive weekends with the friends.
Monday February 14th, the former Lebanese Prime minister Rafiq Hariri is murdered in Beirut. The Lebanese rebel after his murder against the Syrian regime that controls Lebanon with tens of thousands of Syrian soldiers on the (...) | |
An economy at the service of the society. What relationships between Individual and Society?
V International Conference PEKEA (Political and Ethical Knowledge on Economic Activities), Dakar, 1 - 3 Dec. 2006. Session on The Woman approach to Individual-Society Interactions | |
reflection | |
Share knowledge, creating networks, promoting good practices, linking the notion of human rights with the one of responsibilities | |
The dialogue between military and the civil society is indispensable to build peace.
The meeting of military organized by Corporacion AYUN and the Center of Strategic Studies of ARCIS university, Chile, the Ecole de la Paix de Grenoble (school of Peace of Grenoble), France, and the Foundation Charles Léopold Mayer for the Progress of Human being was an outstanding event in Chile and (...) | |
Redefining the role, the education and the ethics of the military forces in a democratic perspective in the context of a world marked by the end of the frontiers and of the nation-state is part of the tasks assumed by representatives of the army from three continents, who coordinated the Meeting of Professionals of the Army for Peace and Democracy, carried out from October 6 to 10, 2005, in (...) | |
The end of the military order is now placed in the long-term in the path to democracy of our societies, of all our societies. It is not about a beatific vision of a dreamed evolution, but of a reality based on a slow construction that we must constantly encourage: to create the conditions of a security that doesn’t only depend on an imposed force but rather on the permanent search of a balance (...) | |
Peace Camp conducted by the Community of Learners Foundation in an urban poor community in Barangay Payatas, Quezon City. The Community of Learners is a non-traditional school teaching social responsibility among its students, who belong to middle class and upper middle class families.
These upper middle class high school leaders, in partnership with lower middle class high school leaders (...) | |
First, we focused on the development of a National Campaign for Leadership on Sustainability, which is being sponsored by the US Citizens Network for Sustainable Development (CitNet) along with the US Charter project. Second, we worked on our activities in the area of Peace and Disarmament. This included the initial steps to develop a National Campaign for Peace and Disarmament and a Peoples (...) | |
Regional Activities -
North America -
by Rob WHEELER, 16 January 2005
The Charter is being used to define the nature of responsibility that each person has (in their private, public, and professional capacities) in regards to one another and to the entire global human community. Likewise, the initial objective of our work with the Charter in the US is to identify and present the primary work that is and has been done to both define and establish more (...) | |
Regional Activities -
North America -
by Rob WHEELER, 16 January 2005
Currently our society faces many problems. These exist because people, families, societal institutions, businesses, schools, etc are not taking personal or full responsibility for the things that they do and how they live their lives. The Charter can serve as a catalyst to challenge all peoples and associations to consider what it would mean to act responsibly and to make a full and serious (...) | |