
Publicado em 11 de outubro de 2007
Traduções disponíveis em: français . Español .

Children of Iran

Temas fortes ligados: Art and responsibility .
Temas largos ligados: Arte . Crianças . Culture of peace .

We are witnessing the build-up to yet another horrendous war. The drumbeat is growing louder, in the words of our "leaders," and in the language of our press. Daily, the American public is being presented with more "reasons" to justify an attack on Iran. The process is sickeningly familiar. It comes as no surprise that Iran’s unpopular "leader" has failed to ease the developing tensions. Sadly, he is no more a heroic visionary and peacemaker than is our own president.
I believe that any hope for peace must now come, not from our political leadership, but from the wisdom, the heart and the actions of the people. All of us.

I have been searching for a powerful way to present a different view of Iran from what is shown in our press - a view of families very much like our own, and of people who ache, as we do, for a peaceful future for their children. It is the children who suffer most from war.

I have been gifted with an extraordinary collection of drawings by young Iranian children. I feel that the children touchingly and eloquently express a universal desire for peace, for a harmonious and loving relationship with others worldwide, and with the precious earth that we share.

I have posted the pictures on the internet, so that they might be seen as widely as possible: http://www.childrenofiran.com/Media.html
It may be difficult for Americans to take in the words of children who speak in an unfamiliar language, but perhaps these images can speak to all of us. If you find them moving, I invite you to pass them on in whatever ways you might find appropriate.
With dear friends, I have put together a rough slide show and beginnings of a website, which you can see here, and I believe that much more can be done.

I look forward to what we, together, can create!

With love and hope,
Vivien FEYER

Referência: Children of Iran media


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