منشور مسئوليتها «از برزيل مراقبت كنيم»
موضوع، محتوا و شیوهی تدوینِ منشورِ مسؤولیتهای انسانی چالشهاي جديد: ابعادِ تازهي مسئوليت گفتوگو بين پرسنل نظامي و جامعهي مدني با حمايت از ائتلاف جهاني نيروهاي مسلح در دفاع از صلح و دمكراسي اعتراض به آلودگى درياچه بختگان دومين كنفرانس ملي كودكان و نوجوانان دربارهي مسئوليت در قبال محيط زيست رويكرد زنانه به كنشهاي متقابل فرد و جامعه زيبايى تحقير میشود ؟ يا تحقير است كه زيبا میشود؟ |
منتشر كرده 21 اكتبر 2008
Statement of "NGO for Protecting Women’s and Children’s Rights" Against Execution
موضوعهاى مركزىى.:
Governance, Human Rights, and responsibility .
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Children execution that is organized by the sentence of the court of justice, under the pretext of justice, is the biggest crime by itself. Children execution and retaliation in this country, is like ignoring the disappointing realities and terrible conditions in our society and humanity will never forgive us because of our silence We, as the members of NGO for protecting children’s rights, definitely adjudge children execution and don’t agree with children execution while most of the countries have abolished execution punishment about children in their rules and think that improvement in education, health and welfare state of all society individuals, with emphasis on children’s rights, is the precondition for social justice and prevention of committing crime. We want the children’s rights to be observed and children’s rights treaty to be performed completely. To have a safe life and society is all children’s right and we want cure, special attentions and elimination of degradation of the life of these guilty children instead of punishing them. "Court procedure in special court of justice for children with attendance of professional lawyers" is their definite right and no one-formally or informally-can takes away this right, we persistently want these children’s rights to be observed. NGO FOR PROTECTING WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S RIGHTS
If you’d like to protect this statement, please sign it and join us!!