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Publié le 23 juillet 2008
Climate Change, Sustainability & Equity : a Civil Society approach par Sudha REDDY March 7th & 8th, 2008, Hyderabad – India. | |
CHR in National Symposium The National Symposium on “Climate Change, Sustainability & Equity : a Civil Society approach” was collectively organized by Shanti Foundation, Passion for Global Peace S.E.E.D.S., Cerana Foundation, Engineers without Borders, India and Ecological Literacy Foundation in Hyderabad from 7th to 8th March 08. Sudha, coordinator of CHR, being one of the steering committee members of the symposium, Charter of Human Responsibilities, became one of the primary sources of inspiration for emphasizing the responsibility during the discussions. The objective of the Symposium was to understand the reality of Global Climate Change through presentation and interactive sessions and formulate solutions and frameworks in Civil Society. The Participants included NGOs, students, agricultural associations, activists, industries, policy makers, media and persons concerned about impact of climate change. Intensive & interactive discussions on themes such as climate change. The speakers went on into the specifics of the impact of climate change on parts of the ecosystem and the consequent immediate as well as long-term impacts on livelihoods. Thought provoking debate on the causes and consequences of climate change, the present growth models, resultant impacts and alternative worldviews stimulated the participants to reflect on the lopsided infrastructure that has come along with the adoption of those growth models and the sections of populations that are not on the fringes of the real ecosystem but in the manmade (urban) ecosystem. There was a big query about ‘Have we passed the point of no return’. During this session, the discussion has deepened to the Climate Change in a broader context : human interference with The carbon cycle and its implications, energy, Peak Oil, economic Growth and food Supplies, depletion of Natural Resources and Earth’s assimilative capacity for wastes and critical analysis of CDM Mechanisms. The debate on equity, alternative paradigms with relevant film viewing, has led to understanding that climate change impact mitigation requires a change in mindset/consciousness. Furthering economic, political and social equity is a must for fair decision making and change. It is need of the hour to look at other viable and responsible models of social, economic and political structures which are conducive for a change in mindset and that further environmental justice. Further the challenge was ‘Solutions and Frameworks in a Civil Society’. Several time-tested socio- technical solutions and alternative lifestyles, which are being practiced at personal and collective levels, were shared among the participants. During the symposium, International Women’s Day was celebrated with sharing on the role and responsibilities of human kind in addressing the underlying dominance of patriarchy in all aspects of global issues including violence against nature. Finally the last session of symposium was on ‘Where and how do we go from here ?’
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