منشور مسئوليتها «از برزيل مراقبت كنيم»
موضوع، محتوا و شیوهی تدوینِ منشورِ مسؤولیتهای انسانی چالشهاي جديد: ابعادِ تازهي مسئوليت گفتوگو بين پرسنل نظامي و جامعهي مدني با حمايت از ائتلاف جهاني نيروهاي مسلح در دفاع از صلح و دمكراسي اعتراض به آلودگى درياچه بختگان دومين كنفرانس ملي كودكان و نوجوانان دربارهي مسئوليت در قبال محيط زيست رويكرد زنانه به كنشهاي متقابل فرد و جامعه زيبايى تحقير میشود ؟ يا تحقير است كه زيبا میشود؟ |
What’s New in the Iranian Charterland?
Presentation of the activities in 2007 | |
A new weblog inspired by the promotion of the Charter in Iran is in progress:
In the follow-up of the actions launched to support the women in Iran, our direct partner has made up collaborations with the tram in charge of the Web site "International Solidarity with the Iranian Women" that will be launched on the occasion of the World Day Against Violence.
Concerning the follow-up of activities on environment, the filming of the documentary film "The Green Circle", produced by our Iranian film-maker partner, is now finished. The documentary is currently being edited and we hope we can present it in Brazil for the world children conference. On the follow-up of the project on ‘artists and responsibility’, several possibilities are being drawn up in Iran to organize meetings and activities in coordination with the involved networks of the Charter (among others in Brazil and in Greece). The gravity of the renewed threats of war in Iran obliges us to give a new dimension to the initiatives taken for peace and against the war. We must galvanize actions in this sense. by the Iranian team for the Charter of Human Responsibilities |