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Betsan Martin
Watersheds and Responsible Governance
Aotearoa-New Zealand November 2009
Governance and Maori interests
Integrated systems in the Pacific region
Different interests, different scales, braided systems
Mountains to Sea – challenges for governance
Stand out notes and ongoing questions
Science Technology and Society conference
Brisbane, Australia, Dec 2009
A Science (...) |
Relate to the Pacific with an approach of humility before the land and before the people
This report is focused on areas of particular interest to RESPONSE and the Charter for Human Responsibility, highlighting contributions to Across Oceania Te Au o Te Moana.
Firstly, profound appreciation to:
Solidarity Economy committee for contributing to travel to the Philippines
The FPH and Charter (...) |
The pictures give a local scene, prior to a meeting in Auckland with Maria and Te Kawehau for our Charter plans. Here re a couple of recent photos at the Lake, and one of Maria and Qiujing, a film maker, with whom we are discussing making a film of the Pacific ‘Across Oceania’ project.
In New Zealand, we are continuing to liaise with groups in New Zealand, Australia and Pacific countries, (...) |
In New Zealand there is a centre called Kotare that works for social transformation. It holds workshops on many topics such as green economics, globalization, relations with indigenous people and sewage management. Providing an opportunity for structural and social analysis with young activists is an emphasis of the centre.
An intergenerational gathering of women was held in August. We (...) |
a. Continuing
Partner/collaborative projects in Good/Ethical Governance.
Writing and publication for dissemination of notion of Responsibility:
Academic papers
Edited collection
Newspaper / journal articles
Extending collaboration with Human Rights networks
Interview project
Development of network in Australia
Further initiatives with Maori and Pacific groups
Strategies for (...) |
Diffusion, coordination, elaboration of communication tools (film), reflection on the text of the Charter, work on a good governance. |
Reference to the Charter for Human Responsibility has been a feature in our writing, and a significant aspect of the Charter work. I (Betsan Martin) wrote a chapter for a book on a philosopher of responsibility par excellence, Emmanel Levinas, and Dr Maria Humphries and I have written several papers on the theme of Responsibility and Ethical Relationality in the last year for conference (...) |