Reflections about Human Responsibilities

30 June 2006
Evangelical protestants, Ethics and Human Responsibility by Carlos RIVERA

19 June 2006
Women and the Charter of Human Responsibilities by Carlos RIVERA

Experience and Dialogs on the Charter of Human Responsibilities: Ethics, Responsibilities and Justice - 19 June 2006, by Carlos LIBERONA

In the insistent efforts to develop a proposal to humanize the planet and the country, the Charter of Human Responsibilities meeting allowed us to truly envision a NEW PILLAR FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WORLD IN SOLIDARITY. The Charter, along with the Declaration of Human Rights and the Earth Charter, confirmed our need to work on building a Culture of Human Responsibilities. We need to make clear that we began setting up support for the circulation of the Charter and its seeding in (...)

Spirituality and Human Responsibility, Chile. - 24 October 2005

Publication - presentation of a book published in Chile in Spanish.

Reflections on the Charter of Human Responsibilities - 10 September 2005, by Carlos RIVERA


Aware Responsibility, Unconscious Irresponsibility, Chile. - 17 April 2005, by Carlos RIVERA

A Chilean journalist describes the critical state of the individual and social responsibilities in today’s society of Chile from the individuals behaviour. (The whole document only exists in the Spanish version of this article)

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