Children and Youth International Conference - "Let’s Take Care of the Planet" - Brazil 2010
The Brazilian Government, through the Ministries of the Environment and of Education, has hold an International Children’s Conference on the Environment, “Let’s Take Care of the Planet,” in June 2010, starting from a broad upstream international consultation process, with the participation of 53 countries to the process, and of 47 countries to the International Conference in Brasilia.
The Conference, as well as the issues it addresses, is the expression of joint action among national governments, civil-society organizations, and international institutions, and takes place during the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, an initiative of the United
More details on the International Conference here: http://confint2010.mec.gov.br/index...
On the Conference development and the participants: http://vamoscuidardoplaneta.net/en
A public video invitation to the process: click here
You can also consult the official invitation from the Brazilian Ministers of Education and Environment here
Support and partnerships
FPH - Charles Léopold Meyer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind
UNEP - United Nations Environment Program
UNESCO - Decade for Education for Sustainable Development
International Youth Conference on Environment - From June 5 to 10, 2010, Luziania, Brasilia, was the epicenter of a meeting of diverse voices, colors, energy, and a lot of joy. Nearly 53 countries from the 5 continents participated in the Children and Youth International Conference “Let’s Take Care of the Planet,” final destination of a process that involved millions of people around the world, in which our boys and girls, with their ideas, proposals and dreams, were the main protagonists. (...) |
Charting the Future : Youth Take on Climate Change is the community-based project in the US associated with the upcoming Children and Youth International Conference on the Environment : Let’s Take Care of the Planet. On April 9-11, 2010, the Peer Learning Exchange was held on the campus of Regis University in Denver, Colorado. |
The Charter of Responsibilities of the Children of Chile to the Environment and Climate Change has been finalized, drafted from the logs of the National Conference of Children of Chile "Let’s Take Care of Chile" carried out in Santiago de Chile this past December 16 (International Confint Brasilia 2010). "We, children of Chile, [...]" |
Brief presentation This methodological tool for debates can be very useful to help groups identifying local issues and define the values that are behind political interests that can impact on specific social groups and communities, with social and environmental consequences. It can help a group to find out who are responsible for creating such problems and who are the responsible for solutions. It can be used by any group in local communities, schools, companies, with educators, (...) |
An international process
on climate-change impacts and youth commitments
The Brazilian Ministry of Education, in partnership with UNESCO and the UNEP – United Nations Environment Program, invites all the UN countries to participate in an International Conference of children and youth for the environment to involve the youth from all continents in a process of awareness raising, reflection and action on the global social and environmental changes, focusing on climate changes. The activities (...) |
Last July 14, 2009, the Philippines launched the local campaign for the “Let’s Take Care of the Planet” International Conference to be held in Brazil on 2010. The Philippine National Organizing Committee of the said international conference [...] had chosen the annual Student Leaders’ Congress of NASSPHIL to be the venue of the said launch. [...] |
20-pages presentation: Introduction - Historical Context - What is the Children and Youth International Conference for the Environment? - Objectives of the International Conference – Principles - Organizational Structure – Steps - Calendar of Events - Expected Results |
Let’s Take Care of Brazil _ IIIrd NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH FOR ENVIRONMENT. 34 pages Document in pdf format: Introduction — Pausing to think — Step-by-step to the School Conference — Edu-communication. |
[9 pages presentation, to download below in pdf format ,as well as a 2-page summary] The Government of Brazil, through the Ministries of Environment and Education, invite the nations of the world to participate in a large scale process of international cooperation: the Children and Youth International Conference for the Environment – Let’s Take Care of the Planet, in Brasilia, 2010. (...) |
What is the Children’s Conference on the Environment?
It is an educational campaign that brings about the political dimension of the environment to schools and other instances children and youth organizations.
It mobilizes and engages children in science research and their communities in the debate about contemporary challenges on social and environmental issues.
The Conference is a process in which people congregate, deliberate on common themes and choose representatives who take over to (...) |
To contribute for confrontation of serious planetary social and environmental problems through educational means and the promotion of community participation.
To enable that the largest possible amounts of young people, teachers and school communities concern themselves at the local level with planetary commitments, by assuming responsibilities for building sustainable societies, for spreading the information and deepen their recognition of the importance of diversity, of the (...) |
2007 - Establishment of Agreements for International Cooperation between Brazil, the participating countries and the partners
Formation, in each country, of a Coordination Group composed by three instances, or a tripod : Government (Ministries of Education, the Environment and others, as Culture, Science and Technology…), University and Civil Society (NGOs and Youth Movements).
Transference of social technology of the Conference and its adaptations to local realities.
2008 - (...) |