


7 May 2010 - Regional Activities - Asia
Symposium on "CHR to Promote the Culture of Responsibilities in Nepal"

23 April 2007 - Regional Activities - Asia
What’s New in the Philippine Charter Lands?

Regional Activities - Asia -
Charter for Human Responsibilities and the Bayanihan Compassionate Economy in the Eco-Trade Fair by Pinky CASTELO CUPINO, 1 September 2006

The Charter for Human Responsibilities joined the Eco-Trade Fair Exhibit in Miriam College in Quezon City, Philippines from August 7 to 12, 2006. It was a celebration of Miriam College’s 80th anniversary. The exclusive girl’s college is one of the prestigious schools putting environmental protection in its curricular and co-curricular agenda. The Charter Team joined the Bayanihan (...)

Global Activities -
2nd World Forum on Human Rights by Gustavo MARIN, Lydia NICOLLET, 24 July 2006

Share knowledge, creating networks, promoting good practices, linking the notion of human rights with the one of responsibilities

Companies and solidarity , 17 June 2005

This workshop raises the question of the place of the enterprise in society and its approach to solidarity.

How can enterprises exercise their responsibility , 17 June 2005

Proposal Paper by the Socioprofessional Network of Company Managers and Executives (published in 2001).


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