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www.alliance21.org > Proposal Papers > Workgroup on Solidarity Socio-Economy

How Can Companies Exercise Their Responsibilities?

Published in November 2001

Proposal Paper produced by the socioprofessional network, Company Leaders and Executives.
For a Sustainable Prosperity. Proposal for a code of conduct on how to exercise economic, social, and environmental responsibilities in companies.

Company legitimacy, in the eyes of civil society, is based on the whole of their impact on society and not only on their economic role. The influence of companies on the evolution of societies is all the more significant that traditional systems of political, economic, and social regulation are slow to adapt to changes in the present world. Businesses have to constantly adapt to market variations, meet new consumer demands, compete, tackle complex
organizational problems, and combine their long-term vision with short-term adjustments. Quite logically, they have become the first operators on the world scene to reach the stage of globalization. In this context, their responsibility is acutely felt and experienced by civil society.

It is up to the different members of a company, individually and collectively, to invent ways and resources to assume these new responsibilities regarding the distribution of wealth, ecology, or human rights, with all their partners: citizens, employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, competitors.


Coordinated by ...

- Yves de Bretagne

Engineer, business manager, France.


Topics Included

codes of conduct . companies . market regulation . responsibility . solidarity . world

Workgroup Papers

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Go ! Economic Policies
Go ! Ethical Consumption
Go ! Fair Trade
Go ! Finance for the Common Good
Go ! From the WTO’s Setback in Seattle ... to the Conditions for Global Governance
Go ! Growth and Sustainable Development
Go ! Health and its Issues in the Twenty-first Century
Go ! How Can Companies Exercise Their Responsibilities?
Go ! Precarity and Exclusion
Go ! Production, Investment, and Technology
Go ! Red Card for Tourism?
Go ! Social Money: Lever of the Economic Paradigm
Go ! Solidarity Economy
Go ! Solidarity Finance
Go ! Tax Policies, Redistribution, and Social Welfare
Go ! The Trade-union Movement at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century
Go ! Women and the Economy
Go ! Work, Employment, and Activity
Go ! World Trade Organization

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