


10 December 2009 - Regional Activities - Latin America
Workshop on Values and Responsibilities

1 September 2006 - Regional Activities - Asia
Charter for Human Responsibilities and the Bayanihan Compassionate Economy in the Eco-Trade Fair

Regional Activities - Europe -
The Ecological Footprint As a Tool for Awareness-raising on Individual and Collective Responsibility by Yolanda ZIAKA, 10 December 2005

The "ecological footprint" concept could be used to great advantage as an educational tool in the framework of communication and education actions around the concept of responsibility, with a view to becoming aware of our responsibility for the impact of our own lifestyle on the environment. It therefore carries significant potential for the development of a responsible attitude. Following (...)

Regional Activities - Europe -
Assuming Responsibilities in Daily Life: Responsible Consumption by Yolanda ZIAKA, 10 July 2005

The responsible-consumption movement aims to raise consumer awareness and bring consumers to change their attitudes and behavior in the direction of committing to products applying social and environmental criteria. Mass consumption and the limits of our planet World War II brought about, in its wake, an explosion of mass domestic consumption that has continued to grow ever since with the (...)


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