| Ethics
reflection | |
Chilean evangelical pastors and laymen give their view on the paper and participation of their church in the present society and the responsibility that is incumbent on them as Christians.
(the whole text is in Spanish only) | |
1. Introduction
Last May 7-9, 2006, the multisectoral confederation SANLAKAS held a YOUTH CAMP FOR CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT held in Tanza, Cavite. This was participated in by 43 youth leaders from different organizations in Metropolitan Manila. The camp activities included Music, Art, Drama, and Communication Workshops, and a discussion of the National Political and Economic Situation and the (...) | |
The video production was done in conjunction with the Teacher Training (see article ’Ethics and Responsibilities in the Teaching Profession’). It is entitled Alay sa Mundo, meaning ’Offering to the Earth’, and was produced by the Regional Charter Team with the Center for Positive Futures.
This video was presented to 40 teachers and a discussion on the Charter followed rooted in their vision and (...) | |
In the insistent efforts to develop a proposal to humanize the planet and the country, the Charter of Human Responsibilities meeting allowed us to truly envision a NEW PILLAR FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WORLD IN SOLIDARITY. The Charter, along with the Declaration of Human Rights and the Earth Charter, confirmed our need to work on building a Culture of Human Responsibilities. We need to (...) | |
Regional Activities -
Southern Pacific -
by Betsan MARTIN, 10 April 2006
Humphries, M.T. and Martin, B. (2005). Diversity Ethics: a compass pointing to relationality and reciprocity for navigating turbulent seas. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management - In Print
Martin, B. (2005) ‘Responsibility. Guardians of Life’ - Submitted for Yfeng Zhao’s edited publication on Responsibility. China.
Martin, B; Humphries, M.; with Te Rangiita, (...) | |
Review of the Charter of Human Responsibilities and Discussion Thrusts. Diffusion Process. October 14 and 29, 2005, Philippines. | |
Introduction – Profile of the Participants – Plan - Tentative Schedule of Charter Diffusion - Meetings and Facilitators | |
In his book "The Imperative of Responsibility," published in 1979, the German philosopher Hans Jonas pleads for the extreme emergency to give ourselves an ethics for technological civilization based on "the imperative of responsibility." His theory starts from the finding that the promise of modern technology has turned into a threat of disaster: science confers to man previously unknown (...) | |
Regional Activities -
Asia -
Workshop Participants
, 24 October 2005
Code of Ethics for Grassroots Leaders
Workshop Participants
Flora A. Santos
Social Worker
Member, Charter Facilitation Team
National Treasurer, SANLAKAS (a multisectoral organization promoting democracy, justice, nationalism and people’s welfare)
Head, National Organizing Department, SANLAKAS
Erlinda G. Sapiandante
President, SANLAKAS Chapter in Sitio Mendez, Bgy. Baesa, Quezon City (...) | |
Latin American Meeting on Culture, Ethics and Responsibility
Santiago, January 17 2005
Paper by Gustavo Marin•,
at a Latin American Meeting
On Culture, Ethics and Responsibility
Santiago, January 17 2005
Fifty years ago, in 1955, Nelson Mandela and those who were in the liberation movement with him held the Congress of the People in Kliptown, a poor neighbourhood located in Cape City. (...) | |
Document based on a study of the Charter of Human Responsibilities and of the conditions of organizations and communities in the Philippines, December 12, 2004
1. A leader actively seeks ideas and recommendations from the membership.
2. A leader is critical and analytical in dealing with challenges and problems of the organization.
3. A leader recognizes and respects the capabilities of (...) | |