

Cards, flyers...

20 March 2009 - Regional Activities - Europe
Public presentation of the children book “the treasures of the earth”

8 December 2008 - Regional Activities - Europe
Handicapped Children Manufacturing Bags

Regional Activities - Europe -
Communicating through Objects by Tsisso CHIPASHVILI, 8 December 2008

The following tools displaying the Charter logo and its Website address are distributed to participants during workshops, meetings, and conferences. ; Calendar ; Multiplication tables ; Pens ;

History and characteristics -
Earlier version of the Charter: A poster with the 10 principles , 7 May 2007

(This is the earlier version. The revised version of the Charter, from November 2007, is available in the ’Charter Text’ section)

Regional Activities - Europe -
The poster of the Charter in Georgian , 17 April 2007

Regional Activities - North America -
A New Brochure Available! by Nina GREGG, 1 December 2006

; The brochure is designed as an invitation, to welcome and encourage participation in the Charter project throughout the US. The section "What You Can Do" offers examples of activities that individuals and groups can hold in their communities, workplaces, schools and civic organizations. The section "Reflection and Action" provides examples of how the Charter is being used as a focus of (...)

History and characteristics -
Earlier version : an information brochure by Cécile SABOURIN, 9 June 2005

(The latest version of the Charter - from end 2007 - is available in the ’Charter text’ section) Tool created by the Canadian Charter Committee. " Meeting makes the connection; the written word conveys the message". In the information brochure you will find a short history of the human adventure leading to the creation of the Alliance, and an overview of it’s goals and principles. There are (...)

Regional Activities - West Africa -
Informative and educative tools and strategies by Sidiki Abdoul DAFF, 17 April 2005

Folders, tapes, workshops, public conferences... Download the Charter document in Wolof, and listen to the Charter song in wolof!


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