Networking within cultural groups and with various organizations with which we are associated is a necessary first step for dissemination of the charter.
Two of our committee have extended existing involvement with Human Rights organizations, advocating a Charter for Human Responsibility. In New Zealand the Human Rights Commission include a concept of responsibility and they have shown initial openness to developing this aspect in their activities. The Commission has given preliminary agreement to co-host a symposium on Human Responsibility.
Since Ethical Governance has been identified as a focus for our activities, it is also appropriate to collaborate with University research centres such as the Treaty of Waitangi Institute, as a collaborative partner.
In many cases we have introduced the concept of the Charter to various organizations in the process of our work or associations with them, and provided a Charter ‘flyer’.
Networks with which we are associated and have introduced the concept of a Charter for Human Responsibility include :
The Human Rights Commission - for Charter presentation at a Human Rights Commission Forum to incorporate Charter with Human Rights education programme.
Career Services Board – Drawing on the Charter of Human Responsibilities to support Board development of Good/Ethical Governance practice.
Conservation Board – Preliminary approach re integration of Charter concepts into Board practice.
Education consultant and writer – For Charter support for the writing of a regular column.
Research Consultants – For discussion and feedback on Charter text.
Indigenous community groups, of Aotearoa (Maori) and Pacific (Samoa) – For discussion of Charter text and elaboration of the concept of Responsibility.
Selected academic sectors, such as Not-for Profit Management, Education, Third Sector Research, Public and Community health – for integration of the concept of Responsibility in academic writing and research.
The Human Rights Foundation
Nga Runuku Kaitiakitanga project
The Association for the study of Literature and the Environment
Dept. of Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington
Nofoalii Cultural Centre, Samoa
The Pacific Island Section, Family Centre, Lower Hutt
Green Party, New Zealand
Selected school and educational networks, and community education agencies
Social justice networks, including
- National Treaty of Waitangi Network
- Kotare – an independent centre for social analysis, education and activist support