
Publié le 19 avril 2006
Traductions disponibles en : français . Español . Português do Brasil .

Interview / Dialogue on the Charter

A dialogue / interview with a leadership group, who were ‘european’/Pakeha, Maori, Pacifica, and who professionally are researchers and consultants in a Social Justice’ agency.

This was a formal meeting in which the Charter had been made available for preliminary reading. They are people who had some familiarity with the Alliance and the Charter, and who are recognized for their social and cultural leadership in this country, in the Pacific region ands internationally.

There was a very good spirited concurrence with the principles as presented in the text, and laughter at the familiar notions there and an ability to relate to what they quickly noted as a ‘Eurocentric’ formulation of responsibility. Examples would be the universal framework and the abstract style. A Maori woman commented on the duality assumed in the text, the duality that stands in the way of relations with indigenous people.

The group watched a film documentary with avid interest and respect for the philosophical exchanges between participants at the Delhi meeting for Edith’s book project, and quickly appreciated the discussion. In one section there is discussion of love and the bodily grounding of love as a basis for responsibility, then an interjection of the danger of such thinking because it is locked into the time-frame of a ‘life-time’ or generation, and fails to consider intergeneration responsibility – responsibility to the ‘seventh’ generation.

With a resonance of such thinking with indigenous people, a Pacifika woman proposed that we create a Charter from the Pacific region that could be brought to the international discussion, and ensure a distinctive contribution from this region is made. Hence the proposal for this as a 2006-7 project.


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