Éducation et diversité culturelle : enseignements tirés des pratiques innovatrices en Amérique latine
Charte des responsabilités humaines : un outil pour construire une société alternative Des Assemblées citoyennes en chemin - Chili, mai 2007 La gouvernance mondiale du ressentiment Nouvelles de la Charte en Bolivie Pourquoi le triomphe Bolivarien est une tempête parfaite Une expérience d’innovation pédagogique au Chili qui intègre les connaissances socio-environnementales des peuples andins Vers une Assemblée Régionale Citoyenne 2010 |
Education and Cultural Diversity : Lessons from Innovative Practices in Latin America
Thèmes forts liés :
Interculturel, dialogue et plurilinguisme .
Education et responsabilité .
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The book, which is the second volume of the Collection “Innovemos,” is the result of the analysis of and reflection upon a series of innovative experiences in several Latin American countries that address the cultural context of students with educational relevancy and offer an education oriented toward knowledge, understanding, and dialog among different cultures. The contribution of the experiences lies in the recognition and value given to students’ and communities’ ethnic and cultural diversity as a starting point for the development of new learning and the affirmation of identity. The book was written by Carolina Hirmas, a professional of the Latin American and Caribbean Educational Innovation Network. The network is part of UNESCO’s Regional Education Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. |