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Home Activities Regional Activities Europe Western Europe Innovative Projects, Experiences, and Ideas The Law and Cross-cultural Dynamics in Europe by Christoph EBERHARD | |
Meeting of the Cross-cultural Skills in the Social Services workgroup, Division of Research and Development in Social Cohesion, Council of Europe, February 17-18, 2009, Paris. We met: to launch a discussion on the legal frameworks that would:
to draw up a proposal for a legal framework that can introduce / encourage cross-culturalism and institutional change in the multicultural European societies. I was invited more especially to discuss the potential of such concepts as "reasonable accommodation," "multiculturalism," "complex equality," "multicultural and inclusive citizenship,” “minorities’ rights,” and "cultural rights." My outlook is one of a Law anthropologist who has been interested for more than ten years in a more cross-cultural reinvention of our living together and who explores, more particularly, the cross-cultural challenges of contemporary normative transformations, which are marked by a transition from more pyramidal and state-centered forms of government toward more reticular, more participatory, and more dialog-based forms of governance. Christoph Eberhard
***I. Framework of our considerations II. Some basic points for considering the challenges of cross-culturalism in the consideration of cross-cultural skills in the social services 1) Cross-cultural dialog can only take place over time.
III. Basic options and objectives of cross-cultural action 1) Assimilation
IV. Some specific proposals for legal frameworks to promote cross-cultural dynamics in Europe 1) Integrate cross-cultural dialog into the processes of public services.
DocumentsDroit et interculturalité en Europe (pdf, 160 ko)