Éducation et diversité culturelle : enseignements tirés des pratiques innovatrices en Amérique latine
Charte des responsabilités humaines : un outil pour construire une société alternative Des Assemblées citoyennes en chemin - Chili, mai 2007 La gouvernance mondiale du ressentiment Nouvelles de la Charte en Bolivie Pourquoi le triomphe Bolivarien est une tempête parfaite Une expérience d’innovation pédagogique au Chili qui intègre les connaissances socio-environnementales des peuples andins Vers une Assemblée Régionale Citoyenne 2010 |
News from the Charter in Bolivia par José Gerald Rodrigo Tórrez Jordán The Citizens Assembly and the Charter of Human Responsibilities in Bolivia | |
We have published the first issue of a bimonthly newspaper called Qhapaq Ñan : Integrando comunidades al sur (- integrating communities in the South). This media becomes the base to diffuse and share the initiative of the Assembly and the Charter in the society as well as to become the way to reach a socially responsible, alive, daily and deep regional integration ; to reach a frank discussion, with the support of our alive, ancestral memory, on the environmental problems and find from our day-to-dayness and memory the answer to these ; for the search of a world without discrimination, a world of fraternity, of an alternative economy focusing on the dignity of human life and the survival of the planet, etc. With that same objective we are developing our website (www.asamblea-bolivia.net) that has already been online since the end of this month of January. We have also made ours the initiative of our partner Carlos Liberona to translate the Charter into Aymara, a task that we have already started, complemented with the translation into Qhechua and soon into Guarani. We are about to finish the two firsts and hope the one into Guarani will be ready for the beginnings of April of this year. |