
Published on 18 March 2008
Translations available in: français (original) . Español .

Columbia 2007: A Series of Workshops and Working Papers

With the support of the Valle Sector Forum and Cinep (Center for Investigation and Popular Education), we organized several workshops in the Cauca Valley and Baranquilla (on youth development) which attracted several dozen people.

Various other meetings were held to promote the Charter: in Bogotá (with the community canteens), Buenaventura and Puerto Tejada (Valle Forum). We also met up with the Nuevo Arco Iris Foundation and Colombian multinational Smurtif as part of a project to work with employers.

The Charter was also promoted via
a radio program, “Life forms”, broadcast by Colombian national radio,
the Youth and Responsible Citizenship Forum, and
the forum Agenda for Transparency and Governance in Puerto Tejada and Villa Rica.

Several documents were produced by these events: working methodology, proposal for encouraging young people to be responsible and involved, a proposal for a forum targeting town council candidates for the public policy of the young people of Barranquilla, and development of a project aimed at planning and drawing up a citizen agenda (in partnership with Cinep, CCRE [Colombian Center for Corporate Responsibility] and the Valle Forum).

We distributed a methodological leaflet in the Cauca Valley for circulating citizen pacts in order to strengthen local governance as well as a methodological kit on drawing up human responsibility pacts.

People involved in the process in Barranquilla last year circulated information on the Charter at the National Meeting of Citizen Networks for Colombian Democracy held in Nariño. Participants at the meeting showed interest in the practical side of the Charter and of human responsibilities.

In terms of regional processes, the objectives set for the towns of Puerto Tejada and Bogotá have already reached the final stage. The candidates project in Barranquilla in August will close the process for the city and signal the move to another region.

We followed the Charter of Human Responsibilities international forum, and the Colombian team has since proposed running a forum on methodological and educational processes and tools for disseminating the Charter throughout the world.


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