
Publicado em 19 de agosto de 2011
Traduções disponíveis em: français (original) . Español .

The CONFINT process continues in Europe, towards Rio, and beyond!

European Project ‘Let’s Take care of the Planet’: the youth make enquiries, have debates and commit themselves in favor of sutainable societies

What is it about?

The 2011-2012 Let’s Take Care of the Planet project aims to encourage dialogue between young Europeans on sustainable development issues, in order to reinforce their capacity for action and commitment towards sustainable societies. It also proposes exchanges between young people and political decision-makers on the issues of commitment and sharing responsibilities.

Age of the youth: 13 – 16
Target audience: schools or extracurricular organizations
Involved countries: Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey.
Topic: Sustainable Schools and Territories

The project Stages

Local activities
Where: in schools and extracurricular organizations
When: October 2011-February 2012
Who: 12 to 18 years old students
What: enquiries, debates and commitments on responsibilities and actions at local level

Regional/National Conference
Where: in each involved region and/or country
When: February–March 2012
Who: delegates elected during the local conferences
What: reflection, debate, definition of commitments and creation of communication tools

The European Conference
Where: Brussels
When: May 14-15-16, 2012
Who: 70 European delegates (aged 13-16) + 20 facilitators (aged 18-30)
What: writing an open letter to the decision-makers; exhibition of panels presenting the youth commitments; debates with political leaders

Rio+20 Earth Summit
Where: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
When: June 4-6, 2012
What: presentation of the youth commitments for « Sustainable Schools and Territories » based on an open letter to the decision-makers, dialogues between youth from different continents on Rio Summit issues and on the concept of responsibility.

A methodology based on:

- The election of representatives taking part in meetings, debates and spaces for consensus and democracy learning
- The identification of individual and collective responsibilities
- The commitment to implement eco-citizen actions

Project History

In June 2010, 350 young delegates from 47 countries gathered in Brasilia to participate to the ‘Let’s take Care of the Planet’ International Conference that was initiated by the Brazilian Ministry of Education. National processes allowed thousands of youth to discuss and write together an International Charter of Responsibilities for the environment, a reference tool for action. In November 2010, it was handed to the President of the European Council and to the General Secretary of the Committee of the Regions.

With the support of: The Committee of the Regions (European Union), Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation (FPH), Youth in Action Programme (E.U.), Rhône Alps Region, Energy Cities, UN decade of Education for Sustainable Development.

Referência: Website of the European Project « Let’s take Care of the Planet »


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