


31 August 2010 - Regional Activities - Asia
Reflection on the Asian Citizens Assembly: Our Commonalities and Shared Responsibilities

24 June 2008 - Intercultural Research Group
Intercultural Research Group: Objectives and Output

A multilingual and multicultural Charter : how to translate it? , 16 June 2006

How to proceed? How to publish? Intercultural glossary Those who commit themselves to translate the Charter of Human Responsibilities into their mother tongue are taking up an unusual challenge. They are supposed not to translate the text as literally as possible, but rather to convey its content and meaning in a way suitable to their own cultural context. Thus the idea is to create a text (...)

Regional Activities - Asia -
Challenges by Sudha REDDY, 1 April 2005

Languages, cultures and understanding As the process of translations of the Charter texts began, the translators had difficulty in finding one-to-one equations in words and expressions that can effectively convey the sense of the Principles to the lowest common denominator among the public. Language being culture specific, connotative meanings take precedence over denotative meanings in any (...)

Intercultural Research Group -
Intercultural Glossary , 24 February 2005

Why an intercultural dialogue? How can we explain the cultural differences between significations ? Questions on the semantic field of the word "responsibility".

Regional Activities - Asia -
2004: A Diversified approach to diffuse the Charter in India by Sudha REDDY, 4 January 2005

Activities in 2004 - Translating the Charter texts: We have printed 1,000 copies each in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, the four south Indian regional languages, and distributed 300 to 500 copies in these four languages as well as in Hindi and Marathi (...)


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