Several methodological positions are implied in the Charter’s dissemination process, the aim being precisely to make the Charter comprehensible, accessible, practical and concrete. Social sectors also need to be roused into active participation; into appropriating the idea and its outlook, which is the foundation of a new social contract with specific proposals, so as to build, from the bottom up, the kind of Charter we want as a vital reference for humanity.
Educational and informative methods
In a workshop with a given social sector, we propose the following:
Presentation of participants from the point of view of their own responsibilities. Each participant presents themselves and states one or two personal responsibilities that they assume in their daily life in relation to themselves, to other social groups or to society in general.
Presentation of the Charter and reflection over the 10 principles. We design an adapted presentation of the Charter (PowerPoint) centred around three questions: What? Who? Why and for what? We thus have a graphic presentation of the Charter and how it contributes to the construction of ethics for collective action. Small groups are then formed to read the Charter and talk over its principles.
After this, challenges in the social sector concerned should be identified so as to concretise the Charter of Responsibilities. This involves defining and clarifying the sector’s needs and complementing them with the responsibilities they entail. For this exercise, the sector should fill in the table and resolve a dilemma.
After identifying the most pressing needs and the responsibilities linked to these needs, the prioritised ethical principles of action are emphasised along with those related to their own practices. Thus, by identifying their needs and associated responsibilities as well as the principles that they wish to be respected and valued, we are able to formulate a Charter of Responsibilities that is specific to the sector.
Distribution of the Charter, reading of the charter and explanation of principles using drawings, key sentences, etc.
Discussion based on three questions: what are the fundamental principles that individuals or groups base actions on? What are my responsibilities? What responsibilities do I expect others to endorse?
In general, these exercises are complemented with videos, extracts from articles and materials that we have put together with a view to making it clearer and easier to identify one’s own principles of action.
Social methods
Simulate the scenario of a football team. One group takes the role of the football team while another group takes that of the team’s supporters. Each group answers the following questions: What is the role of each player? Who has the most responsibility in the football team? Who is responsible for the team’s victory or defeat? What should the role of the supporters be: understanding, critical, demanding, passive or active? Do the supporters have a responsibility towards the team and vice-versa? What would the ideal team be?
Presentation of a video related to the theme of responsibilities and drafting of a summary. This is a way of revealing the principles behind individual action as well as that of the groups we are working with in the aim to identify responsibilities. Pinpoint other actors that must act in order to reach their objectives and distinguish their responsibilities.