
Published on 15 January 2008
Translations available in: français .

Responsibility and Water Seminar

Associated Central Topics: Environment and responsibility .
Associated General Topics: Water .

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At a venue at Lake Taupo, Mãori, artists, ecologists, academics, activists, farmers and citizens gathered for the weekend to listen to the insight of natural scientist Callum Coats and the work of Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) and the wisdom, insight and knowledge of local Mãori on the ecology, vitality, restoration and preservation of water to enhance sustainable management of bodies of water in a ’climate for change’.

From his intuitive and precise observations of Nature’s processes, Schauberger pioneered a completely new understanding of the essential nature of water and the pre-requisites for its health and vitality. Schauberger saw water as a living substance, its principal role being the accumulator, transformer and conveyor of the elements and subtle energies required for all life.

An inspiring and invaluable presentation was given by a Mãori elder on water as an organ of consciousness. Through pictures and words the ideas Coats had been discussing were grounded in the current concerns over the integrity of Lake Taupo. Lake Taupo is regarded as the heart of the North Island. There was discussion of a framework for ecological responsibility where positive relations are developed with all land and water users affecting the lake and by taking personal and collective responsibility for its continued vitality. A site visit provided first hand examples of the impact of land use management on our waterways, bio diversity and sustainability.

The next challenge is how to apply our collective skills, knowledge, experience and enthusiasm into constructively manifesting these ideas into our work and society. There are plans for this group and others to meet in the near future to progress these ideas in a framework of Responsibility, further. It has been invaluable to gain a common understanding of water and our relationship with it in Aotearoa New Zealand so we can move forward together.

Site visit with Callum Coats.

Trees are rivers of water in the water cycle, there is up to 90% transpiration rate from a tree and forest releasing water back into the atmosphere so it can eventually be made available again for human consumption and giving life.

Lake Taupo is in the heart of the North Island of Aotearoa New Zealand. It is being contaminated by surrounding agriculture leachate, land development,and the degradation of the delta and tributaries. Taupo feeds many of the major rivers in the North Island providing water, food, energy and life to nature including a significant proportion of the population of Aotearoa NZ .

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Callum Coats:

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The world is as it is because of what it contains

The world is as it is because I am in it

The realization was that if ‘I’ wasnt in the world, even though infinitesimal in significance, it would be different. Without my electromagnetic field there would no longer be my interaction with other fields, and the world would have to adjust.


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