
Publicado el 12 de septiembre de 2007
Traducciones disponibles en: Español . français .

China-India Forum, a cross-cultural platform for dialogue

Temas fuertes asociados: Intercultural, diálogo y plurilingüismo .
Temas generales asociados: Intercultural . Jóvenes .

Youth challenged on their responsibilities for a peaceful and just society in the 21 st century

The China-India Forum is a platform for cross-cultural dialogue and action working towards a responsible, plural and harmonious society in the interest of both the countries.

The China-India Forum recognizes that youth both as key agents and target groups have a unique and vital contribution in promoting a new paradigm of cultural diversity, cross-cultural dialogue and sustainable development.

The China-India Forum was launched in Beijing, China by young Indians and Chinese in February 2007. Anugraha John from India and Chen Dunfei from China were unanimously selected to play the role of Coordinators of the China-India Forum. It was decided then that the Charter of Human Responsibilities will be the guiding tool of the Forum till the formation of the Charter of China-India Forum.

The China-India Forum celebrated its first Youth Festival inspiring young Chinese and Indians about 44 of them (almost 22 from each country) in a thematic and fun-filled oriented festival which was held between 25 th – 28th August 2007 in Bangalore, India organized by Vedike, Bangalore, India and Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China with the support of the FPH and other organizations.

During the festival, the Charter of Human Responsibilities was introduced by Sudha Reddy to the young participants. The guiding principles were used as a base for the formation of the Charter of China-India Forum which is yet to be introduced to the masses. Deepa, Jeevan Kumar and Melanie were other members of the Charter team who were part of this process.

The Chinese friends experienced the rich Indian culture, food and geographical diversity during their extensive travel in both north and south of India prior and post festival. They were in India between 19th August – 2nd September 2007. The Festival was indeed a step towards peace and greater friendship between these two countries which was inspired by the Charter of Human Responsibilities.

The China-India Forum continues its activities through its Web site www.chinaindiaforum.org.in and blog. The Forum decided to extend its invitation to young Japanese friends to be part of this Forum and thus we would be called China-India-Japan Forum in the future.

The China-India Forum hopes to reach Japan with its message of Human Responsibilities and more importantly the Youths Responsibilities for a peaceful and just society. The Forum will also disseminate the Charter of Human Responsibilities in Japan through its various activities.

More information here:
Photos album (Flickr)


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