Publicado el 7 de enero de 2005
2005 Meeting of the International Facilitation Committee of the Charter of Human Responsibilities por Edith SIZOO 18 to 23 January 2005, Chile. | ||||
The International Facilitation Committee has met in Chile in January 2005 so that its members can gather the different experiences and work on a collective process on the objectives and strategies, after the first year of the promotion of the Charter of Human Responsibilities. A series of diverse activities has been launched in the 14 countries spread out over all the continents where the members of the Committee are working. The results of the chosen approaches, of the social groups reached, of the successes and difficulties, and of appropriate communication systems have been evaluated during the meeting. This exchange of experiences aims at refining the strategic plan for the promotion of the Charter. The meeting has been prepared with activities reports drawn up by all the members of the Committee. An analysis and synthesis of these reports as well as the resuls of the meeting in Chile will form the building blocks for the formal Annual Activities Report 2004 of the Committee. This report will be published on the web site of the Charter. After the meeting in Chile, the majority of the members of the Committee have attended the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brasil, where the Charter has been introduced and discussed in almost all the 11 thematic terrains. You can also read: |