
Publié le 29 juillet 2006
Traductions disponibles en : Português do Brasil (original) . français .

Second National Children and Youth Conference for the Environment - Process and Outcome

Brasilia, 2005/2006

This document gives an account of the unique and successful experience of the Second National Children and Youth Conference for the Environment held by the Ministries of Education and Environment.

We present here a detailed methodological account, the outcomes and evaluation of this process, which mobilised more than 4 million people across the whole of Brazil.

The results are organised according to the two phases of the Conference : the mobilisation in schools, during the second semester of 2005 and the final event concluded on 27 April 2006 in a ceremony at the Planalto Palace.

We hope that this account will contribute to the direction, continuity and consolidation of public policies in Brazil in the area of youth and environment.

(to read the whole text, download the document below)

- Documents

Second National Children and Youth Conference for the Environment - Process and Outcomes (pdf, 77 pgs, 1,8 Mo)



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