
Publicado em 4 de janeiro de 2005
Traduções disponíveis em: français . Español . Português do Brasil .

Challenges and Achievements

Challenges to face in 2004

The big difficulty was to adapt the working plan to the amount of our budget and to choose the priorities. It was necessary to work on the tools we needed to start the diffusion.
A participative methodology diffusion program was necessary and we decided to produce the video project following this logic. It was not easy.

The absence of the Brazilian Committee in part of the program – the long distances trips in Brazil ( it costs a lot) was a big difficulty. The project to better organise the national Committee was therefore not an easy task.

We started the diffusion using the spaces, programs and actions in Sao Paulo city and internal of the state, Brasilia, Bahia, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, using others projects that we were involved. This is a difficult but at the same time it is a opportunity.


The most important achievements were:

a) Producing the Brazilian video Portuguese version about the Charter. It is an excellent document to work with. We just finished the second edition, last November 2004.

b) Publishing the Charter publication and print 3.000 units.

c) Publishing 10.000 flyers with the principles of the Charter – 5000 were distributed on the World Cultural Forum.

d) Creating the Brazilian Committee Diffusion of the Charter - November 2004. We only could formalise it now with the new edition of the video.

e) Including in two books publications for the National Education Program for 16.000 publics schools in Brazil the reference about the Charter and the link to the Charter web site.

f) Working with almost 600 educators in the São Paulo City about political responsibilities and to be sure with them that they are aware that their responsibilities are necessary to transform the society.

g) Working with a young people network about political responsibilities and confirming with them that we must transform the society.

h) Prof. Marcos Reigota has sent reports about the Charter of Human Responsibilities (made by students). Some of them are very interesting. In brief, they feel the idea of the Charter is fantastic. This group has suggested to diffuse the Charter.

i) Interviews for newspapers and television about the Charter. Some of them are very interesting.


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