Three constructions

- ladder

- inside the two halves

- window
Titles of works:
1. Ladder, mixed media on wood, 11”X 17.5”
2. Inside the Two Halves, mixed media on wood, 11”X17.2”
3. Window, mixed media on wood, 17”X17.6”
Artist’s statement
The three constructions are created with discarded pieces of wood, sand, acrylic and oil colours. The primary objective of these works is the search for beauty in ordinary and otherwise “useless” materials. Working with such materials also involves an element of chance; the limitation of their physicality predetermines the form. However it does not, in any way, determine one’s reading or manipulation of the object itself.
Living in a consumerist society, we forget to observe readily available beauty and we are in a constant struggle to consume commercial products which we inevitably inherit as “culture” through the media and constant advertising. The question is: Are we not capable of dreaming or developing our own sense of aesthetic? Has popular culture managed to replace this sense through providing us with a fast food aesthetic for most functional objects we acquire? Do we really need what we acquire? |
Artist biography

The Australian / Greek-Cypriot artist Christella Demetriou was born in Nicosia, Cyprus. She has studied Fine Art & Design, Visual Arts and Music, in La Trobe University, Melbourne University, and the Victorian College of the Arts, in Australia. She works both as a visual artist and a composer. Her work combines several media, music, performance and visual art. She is dividing her time between Athens and Melbourne. She presented several musical and art performances, as well as several exhibitions in Australia and overseas. Her biography includes exhibitions at the National Gallery of Victoria, the National Gallery of Canberra, the Ιmmigration Museum of Melbourne, Artspace in Sydney, Titanium - Yiayianos Gallery in Athens. In 2006, she recorded her own musical composition based on the poems by the ancient Greek poetess Sappho and the contemporary Greek poet Kavafis.
Contact with the artist:
christella7 Fzc & info Fzc
134 Emmanuel Benaki St, Athens 11473 Greece
334 Howe Parade, Port Melbourne, 3207 Vic. Australia