Information tools on global and climate change

10 February 2010
Sustainable development and climate change education

8 February 2010
Other Worlds are Possible: Human progress in an age of climate change

Making finances work: People first - 9 December 2009

The findings from civil society organizations in over 60 countries are included in this Social Watch report, the first global bottom-up report on the social impact of the crisis. [...] The accumulation of findings from rich and poor countries of all continents show remarkable similarities and also a diversity of situations that enriches the picture available so far, makes it even more dramatic and challenges decision-makers with the urgency of implementing policies that put people first. [...] Read more:

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Climate Change - 29 April 2009

What is Climate Change? What Can You Do? UNEP and Climate Change

Climate Challenge: Earth’s future is in your hands - 29 April 2009

An online game (requires flash plugin) where "you are president of the European Nations. You must tackle climate change and stay popular enough with the voters to remain in office". The educational goal is "to give an understanding of some of the causes of climate change, particularly those related to carbon dioxide emissions, to give players an awareness of some of the policy options available to governments, and to give a sense of the challenges facing international climate change negotiators". (BBC website, also diffused by Carboschools as a pedagogical tool)

TAke AIM at Climate Change - 28 April 2009

A music video sponsored by NSF and NASA, portraying climate change in the Arctic and Antarctic and encouraging AIM (Adaptation, Innovation, Mitigation).

The Other CO2 Problem - 28 April 2009

Animated film about the issue of ocean acidification, produced by Ridgeway School (Plymouth, UK) and Plymouth Marine Laboratory. Funded by the European Project on OCean Acidification (EPOCA).

What we know What we do not know And how we try to better understand global change - 28 April 2009

(44 pages booklet) - An introduction to research questions, challenges and methods for CarboSchools projects (

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