
Publicado em 4 de janeiro de 2005
Traduções disponíveis em: français . Español .

The Charter and the media (Togo, Ivory Coast)

por Markoua DADJO

Temas largos ligados: Mídia .

Press activities

- Popularise the Charter by way of written media: three newspaper articles (cuttings given to Catherine Guernier of FPH) plus an article on the internet.

- Discussion and popularisation of the Charter on radio stations, in particular the Doungheul (centre-east of Senegal), Louga (centre-west of Senegal), Saint Louis (north of Senegal) and Dakar (west) FM stations.

Hence, after drawing up a contract between GARED and Tropik FM (a private radio in Lomé, Togo) four shows entitled “The evils of our society” focussed on the Charter of Human Responsibilities were broadcasted on May 7th; 14th 21st and 28th,, 2004 between 3:10 p.m. and 3:40 p.m. These were interactive shows, during which the presenter introduced the Charter’s principles and invited people to share their experiences of how they have chosen to assume (or not) responsibility in the management of public affairs. Audiotapes of these shows are being processed and will be used as a reference for further information in a document that GARED is currently working on. (I will soon be presenting one of GARED’s initiatives – a document entitled “the tears of Togo”).

This enriching experience will be followed up in May 2005. It will also be a chance to present the progress made in the first year of promoting the Charter.

On the 24th of March 2004, during a thirty-minute show on Ivorian National Radio, Markoua Dadjo presented the Charter of Human Responsibilities and emphasised the relation between the Charter and the resolution of the socio-political crisis of the country.


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